After a car accident in New York City, you should certainly seek medical attention. But what kind of doctor should you see? Knowing the right steps to take is important so that you have the best chances of recovering compensatory damages in a lawsuit against a negligent party.
Car accident victims should go to a New York emergency room immediately after a collision. While it’s not preferable, victims can also visit their primary care physician as soon as they notice injuries. Next, a doctor or your attorney may advise you to seek care from a specialist. Taking doctors’ advice and keeping all medical appointments is crucial to strengthening your compensation claim against a responsible party.
Our experienced lawyers know how important it is to get the proper care after a car accident in New York City. For a free case evaluation with the New York City car accident lawyers at The Carrion Law Firm, call us today at (718) 841-0083.
Should You See a Doctor After a New York City Car Accident?
Immediately following a car accident in New York City, don’t worry about seeing a specific specialist right away. Instead, visit the emergency room. It’s important to get immediate medical care and create documentation of your injuries right away.
After a car accident in New York City, it’s crucial to seek medical attention by going to the emergency room. That’s true for any car accident, even seemingly minor ones. Regardless of whether or not you think you’ve sustained injuries, it is necessary to see a doctor after a collision in New York City. While it’s preferable to go to the emergency room right away, victims can visit their primary care physician as soon as they notice injuries.
Of course, the main reason for this is to prioritize your health. Many car accident injuries, like whiplash and traumatic brain injuries, aren’t necessarily obvious to the eye. Some injuries lurk underneath the surface, so to speak, and aren’t immediately obvious. It’s important to visit a New York City emergency room after an accident so that you can get immediate medical care for your injuries and create a treatment plan.
The second reason seeking medical care after a collision is crucial is to strengthen your future compensation claim against a negligent driver. Creating documentation of your injuries, and having a medical professional corroborate their cause, can help your Brooklyn car accident attorney recover sufficient compensatory damages on your behalf. Don’t be concerned with seeking help from a specialist right away as that will come with time. Just get the immediate medical care you need by visiting the emergency room after a car accident in New York City.
Kinds of Specialists You May See After a Car Accident in New York City
Once you learn the extent of your injuries, it may be prudent to see a specialist. If you’re unsure which steps to take, your Bay Shore, NY car accident attorney can offer advice based on previous experience. Seeking specialized care is important, especially if doing so will help you heal after a New York City car accident.
New York City car accident victims with certain injuries may have to visit a specialized doctor after a collision. Depending on an initial doctor’s assessment, your experienced attorney may advise that you seek a second opinion or get care from a specialist. A victim can sustain many different injuries from a car accident, many of which require a specialist’s care. The following are just a few examples of types of specialists New York City car accident victims may have to see:
- Chiropractor
- Physical therapist
- Orthopedist
- Neurologist
- Psychiatrist
Not all specialists deal with physical injuries. Car accidents can be extremely emotionally traumatizing for victims in New York City. For help coping emotionally from injuries, your Staten Island car accident attorney may advise you to see a psychiatrist. While doing so can help you get the support you need, it can also speak to your need for noneconomic damages for pain and suffering.
If an emergency room doctor or your primary care physician refers you to a specialist, take their advice. Getting the specialized care that you need is crucial, especially if you intend to file a lawsuit against a negligent driver for compensatory damages.
Should You Continue to Seek Medical Care After a New York City Car Accident?
It can be extremely expensive for New York City car accident victims to get the specialized medical care they need after a collision. To improve your chances of recovering compensatory damages in a lawsuit, you must continue to seek medical care when advised by your doctor.
New York City car accident victims must keep all scheduled appointments with specialists during the weeks and months after a collision. While that may seem counterintuitive if you’re concerned about the financial impact, it can actually improve your chances of recovering damages in a lawsuit against a negligent party. When victims seek continued medical care, their Queens car accident lawyers will have access to sufficient medical records to corroborate their injuries.
Showing up to your scheduled appointments shows that your injuries are serious and that you are dedicated to healing. Each appointment creates records that can strengthen your claim against a negligent driver. If an emergency room doctor or your primary care physician refers you to a specialist, go. Not only can it help you heal from your injuries, but it can improve your chances of recovering sufficient damages in a lawsuit.
Call Our New York City Car Accident Lawyers Today
After a car accident, all New York City victims should get the medical care and legal representation that they deserve from an Elmhurst car accident lawyer. For a free case evaluation with the New York City personal injury lawyers at The Carrion Law Firm, call us today at (718) 841-0083.