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Southampton, NY Personal Injury Lawyers

Southampton, NY Personal Injury Lawyers

Table of Contents

    A serious injury can have negative implications for almost every aspect of your life. Your injuries are the result of more than just an accident. Someone’s negligence caused the accident, and they should be held responsible. You may be entitled to fair compensation for your injuries, and our lawyers can help you work to get it.

    Getting compensation begins with a conversation with an experienced attorney. Your lawyer can review your case and determine if you have a valid cause of action. If you do, your lawyer can help you collect the evidence and information you need to file a complaint and start your case. How long your case takes to complete varies based on your situation, with some finishing in a few short months while others drag on for a year or more. Before your case even begins, we need to understand your damages. Your damages may include economic losses, non-economic injuries, and possibly more. To make sure you and your lawyer can effectively prepare your claims for damages, you should get started as soon as possible.

    For a free case evaluation, call (631) 910-7493 and talk to our personal injury attorneys at The Carrion Law Firm.

    How to Get Fair Compensation for Personal Injuries in Southampton, NY

    Getting compensation after an accident can be difficult, and you might be too badly injured to deal with everything on your own. Your first step toward fair compensation is to hire an experienced lawyer to help you. Your attorney should help you determine whether you have a valid legal claim and the best method to cover your damages.

    Your lawyer can help you file a case on time. Something a lot of people do not realize is that legal claims often come with an expiration date. The statute of limitations may impose a strict limitation period, and if plaintiffs do not file on time, they might not be permitted to file anything. In New York, the statute of limitations for personal injury claims is under C.V.P. Law § 214 and provides 3 years to file a claim. This limitation period begins on the same day as your accident, so time is of the essence.

    You cannot get fair compensation if our personal injury lawyers do not have strong evidence. Finding evidence to support your claims is easier said than done. Your lawyer may be able to figure out what kind of evidence you need, whether it is admissible, and whether it is even available. Remember, evidence is fickle. It might be readily available or difficult to obtain, and not all evidence may be allowed in court. As such, your attorney is a crucial part of your evidentiary plans and strategies.

    How Long a Personal Injury Case in Southampton, NY Might Take

    The time it takes for us to finish your personal injury case can be hard to predict. Some cases end relatively quickly. Others seem to drag on and on with no end in sight. While it is not unusual for many personal injury claims to take at least a few months to complete, you should talk about it with your lawyer before getting started.

    Certain factors in your case might help us speed things up. For example, cases with very strong evidence that is hard for defendants to refute often end sooner. When defendants know that plaintiffs can prove their claims in court, they are more likely to settle in the hopes of getting things over with faster and avoiding a humiliating courtroom defeat.

    Sometimes, the people involved in a personal injury case just want to end it as quickly as possible. If the defendant is willing to cooperate and work out a settlement, we might be able to complete the case much faster. However, defendants do not have to agree to settlements, no matter how strong or weak the evidence against them might be. Sometimes, cases drag on because defendants absolutely refuse to budge and demand a full trial. While we can help you prepare for this, it might take more time.

    We should also consider whether the defendant is facing criminal charges. While many civil cases do not involve criminal charges, others might. Depending on what the defendant did to cause your injuries, they might be charged, and a hearing might be scheduled in criminal court. In such cases, civil claims often must wait until criminal proceedings are over.

    Damages Recoverable in Southampton, NY Personal Injury Cases

    Your damages are all the things you might have lost, the money you spent, and the pain you endured because of the accident. They form the basis of potential compensation, and we must account for all your damages and evaluate them carefully so you do not miss out on compensation.

    Economic Damages

    Many of your damages may be assessed based on how much money they cost you. Chief among these economic damages is your medical bills. Whether you needed extensive medical care or only went to the hospital once, you might be dealing with costly hospital bills. Even if you have health insurance to help you, your deductibles might still be very expensive.

    In addition to medical costs, we should consider property damage. For example, if you lose your vehicle in a crash and the personal items inside are destroyed, you may claim the cost of replacing your property.

    If your injuries make returning to work impossible, you might lose wages and income when you need them most. You may claim the value of your lost income. The longer you are unable to work because of your injuries, the greater these damages may be.

    Non-Economic Damages

    Your non-economic injuries may also be compensated, even though they often do not involve financial costs or expenses. Generally, non-economic damages revolve around personal and painful experiences. For example, you might claim non-economic damages for the intense pain of your injuries and psychological distress caused by the entire ordeal. In many cases, accidents are quite traumatizing, and plaintiffs suffer greatly. Since these damages are highly subjective and vary from plaintiff to plaintiff, the jury usually has the final word on their worth.

    Speak to Our Southampton, NY Personal Injury Lawyers About Your Claims Now

    For a free case evaluation, call (631) 910-7493 and talk to our personal injury attorneys at The Carrion Law Firm.