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Brooklyn Construction Injury Lawyer

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    For decades, countless numbers of construction workers have been forced to face the aftermath of a severe accident at their workplace. The challenges, anguish, and sense of hopelessness that often accompany an accident can be too much to handle for most of these injured workers. If you are an injured construction worker, it is essential to know there are ways to get compensation and start getting back on your feet.

    Our Brooklyn construction accident attorneys from The Carrion Law Firm understand the importance compensation has for all injured victims. That is why we dedicate all of our energy, effort, and resources to helping you through your claim. Call our law offices today and schedule your free, confidential consultation. Our office number is (718) 841-0083.

    Construction Accidents in Brooklyn

    Despite many federal and state regulations and rules, construction accidents keep happening in Brooklyn. In many cases, safety rules and compliance with federal and state law fail because of negligent contractors, sub-contractors, and employees who fail to fulfil the legal duties they owe other workers. Construction workers are often exposed to many dangers and hazards at their workplace because of these mistakes.

    One of the most common types of construction accidents involves falls. Slip and falls are all too common at construction sites, and so are falls from heights. There have been numerous cases where construction workers have fallen from scaffolds or ladders. In other situations, workers on the ground slip and fall due to spilled liquids, leading to devastating injuries.

    Injuries from falling objects are also exceptionally common. In many of these cases, tools, materials, or debris fall and hit construction workers because of someone’s negligence. Failing to secure a tool belt while climbing a ladder or leaving loose tools on high scaffolding could easily lead to an injury to someone on the ground. It is unsurprising to see nothing but devastating injuries caused under these circumstances.

    Construction accidents also commonly happen due to defective machinery. All too often, defective power tools, cranes, and vehicles cause severe injuries to Brooklyn construction workers. If tools and equipment are unsafe, the responsible parties could be held liable for the injuries, especially if the tools or machines are being used as intended when the accident occurred.

    We are aware of the dangers and risks surrounding you every day on a construction site, and we know how challenging dealing with your injury can be. That is why we dedicate our legal practice to representing the interests of injured victims. Our attorneys can provide the legal assistance you need after your construction accident in Brooklyn.

    Common Injuries in Construction Accidents in Brooklyn

    Due to the dangers associated with the construction industry, construction workers often face accidents that can lead to devastating, life-altering injuries. In many situations, workers can walk away from their accident, suffering only minor injuries. However, some accidents are too dangerous to allow this, and many injured workers end up with painful, severe injuries.

    Head injuries are one of the most common injuries in construction accidents. Head injuries can be very painful but also incredibly dangerous. A heavy blow to the head commonly leads to what is known as traumatic brain injury (TBI). The symptoms associated with this type of injury are challenging and debilitating, and failing to get help with a TBI can often lead to more severe injuries. For instance, a TBI victim can experience symptoms such as confusion, blurry vision, concentration difficulty, and fogginess, but they may be unaware of internal bleeding or swelling that could lead to death. In severe cases, a traumatic brain injury victim may require surgery and ongoing medical treatment.

    Back injuries are also common in construction accidents. These types of injuries can happen as a result of a slip and fall or falling from heights. A severe back injury can cause damage to your spinal cord. Spinal cord injuries (SCI) are hazardous because they can lead to paralysis from the site of the injury down. Additionally, you may need costly surgeries, extensive rehabilitation, and continuing medical treatment.

    Injured workers often find themselves lost in their situation, not knowing they have the chance to get compensation for their injuries. Our attorneys from The Carrion Law Firm can help you fight for compensation after your construction accident in Brooklyn.

    Available Awards for Construction Accidents in Brooklyn, NY

    Typically, workers’ compensation insurance is your primary source of financial assistance after your accident. However, it will not take long to realize that workers’ compensation will not be enough to cover the entirety of your losses in many cases. Your employer may try to convince you that workers’ comp insurance is the only way to fight for compensation. However, this may not necessarily be the case.

    An employee may have a valid claim outside workers’ compensation in several circumstances. For example, you can file a personal injury lawsuit against third-party defendants. Moreover, a lawsuit may be available to you if your injury involved you falling from heights, an object falling on you, injuries from scaffolding, or certain violations of New York construction regulations.

    Navigating Brooklyn’s confusing and complicated personal injury laws can be stressful. However, we can help you get the compensation you deserve. The Carrion Law Firm assists all injured victims in construction accidents in Brooklyn.

    Brooklyn Construction Accident Lawyers Offering Free Consultations

    If you or a loved one was injured at a Brooklyn construction site, our lawyers can assist you. The Carrion Law Firm is dedicated to representing injured victims in construction accidents. We know how overwhelming your situation can be, and we are aware of your pain and suffering. We will work tirelessly to hold the liable parties accountable while you dedicate your time to recovering from your injuries. You do not have to worry about communicating with the defendant or deal with the complex litigation process involved in your claim. Our New York City construction accident lawyers will work towards one goal: maximizing  the monetary compensation available to you as a construction injury victim. Get more information about our legal practice. Call The Carrion Law Firm today at (718) 841-0083.