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Can You Sue After a Taxi Accident in New York City?

Can You Sue After a Taxi Accident in New York City?

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    Taxi accidents in New York City can be incredibly damaging to victims. Because of this, New Yorkers need to learn whether or not they can sue after a taxi accident and how to do so successfully.

    In New York City, taxi accident victims can file a lawsuit for compensatory damages. That being said, multiple parties can be liable for your injuries, depending on the accident’s cause. Because determining liability is crucial in New York City taxi accidents, it’s important for victims to hire a skilled attorney. Your lawyer can use the police report from your taxi accident and your medical records to help you file a successful lawsuit against any and all liable parties for compensatory damages.

    Our New York City attorneys are dedicated to helping taxi accident victims get the compensation that they deserve. For a free case evaluation with the New York City car accident lawyers at The Carrion Law Firm, call us today at (718) 841-0083.

    Can You Sue for Injuries After a Taxi Accident in New York City?

    New York City streets are crowded areas, teeming with drivers that are eager to get to their destination. Suppose you were injured in an accident as a taxi car passenger. In that case, you can file a lawsuit for compensatory damages with the help of a skilled attorney.

    In New York City, injured victims in a taxi car accident can file a lawsuit for compensation. The standard statute of limitations for car accident claims in New York City also applies to taxi accident lawsuits, meaning injured victims have three years from the date of injury to sue a negligent party. While that may seem like a long time, it is crucial to file quickly so that victims aren’t burdened by the financial impact of a taxi accident.

    It can also be helpful for victims to know that licensed taxis in New York City must carry a certain amount of liability insurance. Generally, licensed New York City taxis must carry $100,000 in liability insurance per person and $300,000 per accident.

    While settling with a taxi company’s liability insurance is an option, victims can still file a lawsuit after sustaining injuries in a New York City taxi accident. If you choose to sue, it can be helpful to hire a Queens car accident lawyer to help you file on time and get the compensatory damages you deserve.

    Who Can You Sue After a New York City Taxi Accident?

    Different parties may be liable for your injuries sustained in a New York City taxi accident. Depending on the accident’s cause, an individual taxi driver and a parent company may share the blame. In other instances, another driver may be responsible for your injuries. Our New York City car accident lawyers can investigate your accident to determine which parties should be held accountable in your compensation claim. Speak with our NYC Taxi accident lawyer today.

    Taxi Drivers

    Many times, taxi drivers are responsible for accidents in New York City. Sometimes, these drivers work long shifts, which can lead to drowsy driving. Other times, a taxi driver’s reckless actions can cause a devastating car accident. If your taxi driver acted negligently causing your injuries, inform our New York City personal injury lawyers right away. It is possible that they could be held liable for your medical bills and lost wages, and non-economic damages like pain and suffering.

    Parent Companies

    Sometimes, parent companies can be held responsible for your injuries in a taxi car accident in New York City. That being said, it can be difficult to sue a parent company after a collision. Many taxi drivers in New York City are considered independent contractors and not regular employees. However, if a taxi service company owns the cab itself, it can be easier to file a lawsuit for compensatory damages against a parent company. Because determining liability can be difficult, it’s important to consult an experienced attorney after sustaining injuries in a taxi accident in New York City.

    Other Drivers

    It’s possible that another driver caused your taxi accident in New York City. If a negligent driver’s actions lead to your injuries, you can sue them for compensatory damages. In this case, you and your Brooklyn car accident lawyer would proceed as though your collision was like any other car accident. Other drivers on the road can be responsible for your taxi accident, so informing your attorney of all involved parties after a collision is important.

    How to File a Successful Lawsuit After a Taxi Accident in New York City

    Taxi accidents in New York City can get complicated quickly. Multiple parties may be partially liable for your injuries, making recovering compensatory damages difficult. That is why it’s important for New York City victims to know what to do to file a successful lawsuit after a taxi accident.

    If you were injured in a taxi accident in New York City, call the police right away. When a cab driver’s negligence causes your injuries, they may try to convince you to leave law enforcement officials out of it for fear of losing their job or being financially liable for your injuries. However, it is crucial that victims involve police officers. That way, New York City law enforcement officials can complete a police report that outlines the accident’s events. This report can be vital in determining liability in your New York City taxi accident lawsuit.

    Next, victims should seek medical attention and hire an attorney. Although licensed taxi cars in New York City are required to carry liability insurance, it may not cover the cost of your injuries. Suppose you don’t get immediate medical care and enlist help from a skilled lawyer. In that case, you may misunderstand the extent of your injuries, causing you to accept a settlement amount that’s far less than what you deserve. By calling the police, seeking medical attention, and hiring a lawyer, victims can ensure that they file a successful lawsuit for compensatory damages after a taxi accident in New York City.

    Call Our New York City Attorneys Today if You Were Injured in a Taxi Accident

    All taxi accident victims deserve access to compensatory damages for their injuries. For a free case evaluation with the Bronx car accident lawyers at The Carrion Law Firm, call us today at (718) 841-0083.