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Brighton, NY Work Injury Lawyer

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    After work-related accidents take place in Brighton, victims should explore the possibility of filing third-party work injury lawsuits to recover compensatory damages.

    In Brighton, the most common industries for work injuries are the manufacturing, construction, transportation, and health services industries. While that might be the case, even office environments present the risk of injury to workers. Printers might be defective, floorboards might break, or stairwells might be poorly maintained, resulting in injuries. Because New York does not allow employees to sue most employers for workplace accidents, our attorneys will aim to prove that a negligent third party is liable for your injuries. To do this, we must gather proof of fault and file your lawsuit within the three-year window for third-party work injury claims in Brighton.

    To set up a free and confidential evaluation of your case from our Brighton, NY work injury lawyers, call The Carrion Law Firm for help at (718) 841-0083.

    Most Common Industries for Work Injuries in Brighton, NY

    While work injuries might take place in any environment, they tend to happen in certain industries more than others in Brighton. Common industries for workplace accidents in the area include manufacturing, construction, transportation, and health services, among others.


    Virtually all aspects of working in manufacturing is dangerous. Whether you work in a warehouse or on an assembly line, you might be injured by any of the various hazardous machinery you come in contact with each day. Those working in the manufacturing industry in Brighton might sustain repetitive motion injuries and back, neck, or knee injuries due to lifting heavy objects.


    Construction is one of the most dangerous industries across the country, including in Brighton. While the machinery and tools used daily in the construction industry are inherently dangerous, many accidents and deaths to construction workers in Brighton are caused by falls, slips, and trips, as they are elsewhere. In 2021, there were a total of 1,015 fatalities in the construction industry caused by these types of accidents. Common injuries sustained by construction workers include repetitive motion injuries, burns, back injuries, eye injuries, broken bones, and head injuries.


    The transportation industry is a dangerous one. Whether you are transporting goods throughout New York or from Brighton out to the rest of the country, being on the road around other drivers for extended periods of time puts you at risk of being injured in an auto accident while on the job. If this happens to you, our work injury lawyers can help you pursue a compensation claim against the driver responsible for causing your injuries.

    Health Services

    Health services is another industry that commonly sees workplace accidents in Brighton. Because of their constant exposure to patients, medications, and certain materials, those who work in healthcare or similar professions might be at a higher risk of being injured on the job.

    Other Industries

    While some industries see workplace injuries more often than others, that does not mean any are immune from such accidents occurring. Even in office environments, workers might be injured because of various hazards, such as faulty handrails on stairs or defective products. Do that assume that, just because your industry is not inherently dangerous, that you cannot be hurt at work or that you do not deserve compensation for any workplace injuries you might sustain in Brighton.

    Third-Party Liability for Work Injuries in Brighton, NY

    In New York, employers are often shielded from liability for workplace accidents, provided they have the proper insurance in place. That said, there are other parties you might be able to sue for your on-the-job injuries in Brighton.

    Third-party workplace accident lawsuits are a possibility in many cases. Even if your employer contributed to the cause of your injuries, it could be that another party shares fault, enabling you to sue them for damages. Our attorneys will carefully review the facts of your accident to determine if that is the case in your situation.

    For example, if you were struck by a motor vehicle while working on a roadside construction site in Brighton, the driver would be liable for your injuries, provided they meet the serious injury threshold as dictated by I.S.C. Law § 5102(d).

    Or, suppose you were injured in your office because of a hazard in a common area, like a stairwell. If your employer rents the space from a property management group that is responsible for maintaining common areas, you could sue that entity for compensatory damages in Brighton.

    According to C.V.P. Law § 214(5), all third-party work injury claims must be brought by the filing deadline in Brighton, which is three years from the date of the accident.

    Proving Negligence in Work Injury Claims in Brighton, NY

    Knowing that someone else’s negligence caused your workplace injuries is not enough to recover compensation in Brighton. You must also present evidence of the defendant’s fault to get the damages you need.

    Proving negligence for workplace injuries will require evidence, such as witness statements, surveillance footage, and medical records. Immediately after you become injured at work, report the incident to your employer and seek medical attention. Then, contact our attorneys so that we can conduct a thorough investigation into the accident in question.

    We can speak to those who witnessed the incident take place, like your peers in the workplace, to get statements in support of your claim. We can also obtain videos, photos, incident reports, and other evidence to prove the defendant’s fault. While the burden of proof standard in civil claims is lower than what victims might expect, their recovery will hinge on whether or not they can prove it is more than likely that a defendant caused their work injuries in Brighton.

    Talk to Our Brighton, NY Lawyers About Your Work Injury Case

    To discuss your case for free with the work injury lawyers of The Carrion Law Firm, call (718) 841-0083 today.