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Brighton, NY Construction Accident and Injury Lawyer

Table of Contents

    Because construction accidents are often so catastrophic, victims typically require compensation for their damages in Brighton.

    After construction accidents happen in Brighton, victims should immediately report their injuries to the negligent construction site. If that is your employer, there might be reporting procedures in place that you can follow. Following your report of injury, get medical care. Creating a continuous trail of medical evidence may be necessary for the success of your claim. Victims who wish to file third-party construction accident and injury lawsuits will have three years to do so in New York. Pursuing litigation against the negligent third-party might allow you to claim greater damages, including compensation for your pain and suffering.

    By calling The Carrion Law Firm’s Brighton, NY construction accident and injury lawyers today at (718) 841-0083, you can get a free review of your case.

    Reporting Construction Accidents and Injuries in Brighton, NY

    There are specific reporting guidelines victims of construction accidents must follow, especially if they are hurt as construction workers in Brighton. These include informing one’s employer of the workplace accident that caused them injury.

    In New York, workplace accidents must be reported to employers within 30 days. This is typically for Workers’ Compensation purposes, not for the purposes of filing a lawsuit. That said, following such guidelines will be important, as failure to do so might disrupt your case or make it seem as though the accident did not occur.

    Most construction companies have procedures for employees to report on-the-job injuries since they are so common throughout the industry. Do not assume that your employer will investigate the accident or take any additional steps in aid of your recovery. Instead, defer to our construction accident and injury lawyers to conduct an investigation. Our goal will be to determine whether or not a third party is liable for your injuries, as construction workers are typically unable to sue their employers for negligence in Brighton.

    Not all victims of construction accidents are workers. Sometimes, passersby might be hit by falling debris or other objects from construction sites, resulting in injuries. In such cases, it will be important for victims to report their injuries to the liable construction company as quickly as they can and, if necessary, call the police after an accident.

    Getting Treatment for Construction Accident Injuries in Brighton, NY

    After an accident on a construction site in Brighton, victims should go directly to the nearest hospital for medical treatment. Creating a trail of medical evidence to use in your claim will be important.

    Construction workers are no strangers to sustaining minor injuries on the job. Usual soreness or tightness might be a sign of an underlying injury, especially if you were recently involved in some sort of accident on a construction site. Because of this, it is important to get medical care as soon as you notice discomfort, whether because of an injury sustained in an accident or repetitive motion injuries.

    Our attorneys can ensure that you see the proper medical professionals during the course of your treatment so that there is no issue with a potential claim with your employer’s workplace liability insurance. The same is true for construction accident victims who file third-party injury lawsuits in Brighton. Without medical evidence, proving that you have sustained injuries at all can be nearly impossible, even if you are able to prove that the defendant acted negligently.

    Suing for Construction Accident Injuries in Brighton, NY

    When construction accidents happen, victims should bring claims as soon as possible so that they can recover compensatory damages without falling into financial distress in Brighton.

    To begin, it is important to establish the statute of limitations for construction accident injury claims in New York. According to C.V.P. Law § 214(5), victims have three years from the incident date to sue for recovery. Remember, your claim will be brought against the third party whose negligence caused your injuries, not your employer. Because of this, it might take a bit more time to investigate and build a case, which is why victims should initiate the process immediately. Waiting too long to consult our attorneys might mean that certain evidence is lost or becomes less useful to your claim.

    If you were hurt on the job as a construction worker in Brighton, there might be other filing and reporting guidelines to be aware of in relation to a claim filed with your employer’s insurance. Being aware of all applicable filing deadlines and requirements will be important for your recovery.

    Compensation for Victims of Construction Accidents in Brighton, NY

    Filing third-party injury accident lawsuits in Brighton can result in substantial recoveries for victims. Your awarded compensation might cover all of your losses, financial and otherwise.

    Since construction accidents are often catastrophic, victims generally need to take time off from work. This means that victims may require compensation for lost wages, which our attorneys can help them recover by submitting proof of their income prior to being injured. Furthermore, compensation will likely cover any necessary medical costs related to the accident, such as surgeries and prescription medications. Keeping track of any out-of-pocket costs will be necessary so that we can submit proof of damages in your claim.

    You may recover damages for non-economic losses as well, such as your pain and suffering. These damages are harder to quantify, and recovery is often based on victims’ personal statements regarding the struggles they have faced because of their injuries. There is no limit on economic or non-economic damages for victims who file third-party construction injury claims in Brighton. If the third party liable for your injuries acted with gross negligence, you might be awarded punitive damages by a jury.

    Call Us to Discuss Your Construction Accident Case in Brighton, NY

    Call our construction accident and injury lawyers at (718) 841-0083 to have The Carrion Law Firm assess your case for free.