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Queens Product Liability Attorney

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    Defective products can be highly dangerous, causing severe injuries to victims in Queens. If you think a manufacturer’s negligence caused your injuries, reach out to an experienced product liability lawyer right away.

    Immediately after sustaining injuries due to a defective product in Queens, hire an attorney. Your lawyer can help you determine whether or not a manufacturer’s negligence led to your injuries and explain your options for compensation. In order to recover damages, victims must prove a negligent manufacturer’s fault in a Queens product liability lawsuit. This is often difficult in product liability claims, so it is important to have a skilled attorney by your side. If successful, you may recover economic, non-economic, and possibly punitive damages against a negligent manufacturer in Queens. Compensation is not promised, so hiring an experienced lawyer is crucial.

    Our attorneys are here to help injured victims get the justice they deserve. For a free case evaluation with the Queens product liability attorneys at The Carrion Law Firm, call today at (718) 841-0083.

    When to Consult a Queens Product Liability Attorney

    If you were recently injured while using a defective product, reach out to an attorney right away. A Queens product liability attorney can help you take the necessary steps after an accident so that you can ultimately recover the compensation you deserve against a negligent manufacturer.

    For some product liability accident victims, it may be unclear who is to blame for an incident. Queens victims might not consider whether a product is defective or dangerous and might wrongly fault themselves for injuries. That is why hiring an attorney immediately after an accident is crucial. Your lawyer can assess the circumstances of an incident and help you understand why a negligent manufacturer is to blame, not you.

    An attorney will also advise product liability accident victims in Queens to seek immediate medical attention. Suppose you plan on filing a lawsuit against a manufacturer. In that case, it is crucial to create concrete medical evidence of your injuries. Going to the hospital right away and seeking continuous care from specialists and medical professionals is essential.

    The injuries Queens victims might sustain from defective products can vary substantially. Often severe, these injuries may prevent victims from working, causing financial difficulties. Expensive medical bills and other out-of-pocket expenses can quickly become overwhelming. That is why it is important for victims to hire an attorney immediately. Your lawyer can explain your options for compensation and help you navigate a lawsuit against a negligent manufacturer. Acting quickly after an accident is important, as product liability accident victims have just three years to file a lawsuit in Queens and throughout New York.

    Proving Fault in a Queens Product Liability Lawsuit

    Taking on a powerful manufacturer in a product liability lawsuit can be challenging. In order to prove a defendant’s fault and get the compensation they deserve, injured victims should hire an experienced Queens product liability attorney to represent them.

    Gathering evidence in a Queens product liability case might be more challenging than other personal injury cases. Often, these lawsuits require lawyers to investigate a defendant’s manufacturing processes and whether or not they were aware of a product’s dangers. This can be difficult, as many manufacturers wish to evade liability for a victim’s injuries.

    To prove a manufacturer’s fault for your injuries, your attorney may enlist help from experts who can attest to a product’s faults and a defendant’s negligence. Producing a hazardous product and selling it to customers without performing the necessary tests or warning customers about a product’s dangers can make a manufacturer liable for any injuries caused to victims in Queens. Using medical records and enlisting medical experts, your attorney can prove that your injuries were caused by a defective product produced by a negligent manufacturer.

    Suing large companies is often daunting for Queens victims. Our attorneys appreciate this, which is why we prioritize transparency with our clients. Our understanding lawyers can answer any questions or concerns you may have entering litigation against a negligent manufacturer so that you feel comfortable pursuing a product liability lawsuit in Queens.

    Compensation for Queens Product Liability Victims

    Suppose you were recently injured because of a defective product. In that case, you might be able to recover substantial compensation in a Queens product liability lawsuit. Victims may be eligible to receive economic, non-economic, and possibly punitive damages in a lawsuit against a negligent manufacturer. Compensation is never promised, so it is important to hire a Queens product liability attorney to recover what you deserve.

    Economic Damages

    Injuries caused by defective products are often severe, ranging from burns to death. Because of this, victims may incur expensive financial losses. Generally, medical expenses and lost wages are the most detrimental losses to Queens victims and their families. Victims can recover total compensation for their financial losses in a product liability claim against a negligent manufacturer. An attorney can help you compile records of your expenses caused by a negligent manufacturer to recover compensation for past, present, and future financial losses.

    Non-Economic Damages

    When Queens victims sustain serious injuries due to defective products, they can experience severe emotional difficulties. That is why product liability accident victims can often recover non-economic damages in a lawsuit against a negligent manufacturer. Generally, non-economic damages are harder to recover, as providing proof of damages is can be difficult. Because of this, your attorney may ask you to keep a journal or see a therapist to document the pain and suffering you have endured because of a defendant’s negligence.

    Punitive Damages

    In some product liability lawsuits, Queens victims can recover punitive damages. These damages are designed to punish defendants for grossly negligent behavior. They may be available in product liability cases that meet the criteria of gross negligence. In awarding punitive damages, Queens judges and juries often intend to make an example out of a defendant and deter other manufacturers from engaging in similarly reckless behavior.

    Call Our Queens Lawyers About Your Product Liability Case Today

    If you were recently injured by a defective product, our lawyers can help. For a free case evaluation with the Queens product liability attorneys at The Carrion Law Firm, call today at (718) 841-0083.