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Parsippany, NJ Car Accident Lawyer

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    Car accidents leave many drivers severely injured every year in Parsippany, NJ. Medical expenses and other costs can quickly add up, and you can sue the other driver to recover these expenses.

    A car accident might happen almost anytime you are on the road. Crashes and collisions frequently occur at intersections, traffic lights, and stop signs, especially when other drivers are not paying attention. They might also be caused by traffic violations like speeding or failing to obey traffic control devices (e.g., signs, lights, signals). After a crash, you can file a personal injury lawsuit against the other driver involved in the crash. A lawsuit can help you recover the damages from your accident, including economic and non-economic losses. You must have evidence to prove the defendant is liable for the crash. Our team can help you collect the evidence you need to prove the defendant is liable.

    If you were injured in a car accident, our Parsippany, NJ car accident lawyers can assist you in filing a lawsuit and getting financial compensation for your damages. For a free evaluation of your case, call The Carrion Law Firm at (718) 841-0083.

    How Car Accidents Occur in Parsippany, NJ

    There are innumerable causes of car accidents, and it is crucial that you speak to an attorney about how your accident happened as soon as possible. The details of the crash might shed light on who is liable and how you can recover damages. Talk to our Parsippany, NJ car accident lawyers about how your case happened.

    Many accidents are the results of traffic violations. A traffic violation is almost anything that goes against the New Jersey traffic code. Failing to stop for stop signs or traffic lights, speeding, or texting while driving are all considered traffic violations. Many violations are met with citations from law enforcement. If the other driver in your case was cited after the crash, we might be able to use the citation as evidence of liability.

    Distracted driving is a leading cause of car accidents throughout the country. As technology evolves, communication devices like phones have become more and more prevalent in our everyday lives, including in the car. If the other driver in your accident was talking on their phone, texting, or looking at their cell phone instead of the road, our legal team can help you hold them responsible for their negligence.

    Weather conditions also play a significant role in car accidents. As road conditions change because of weather, you must adjust your driving. For example, driving through snow, on icy or wet roads, or in the dark requires more defensive driving. Another driver who ignores road conditions is more likely to cause an accident.

    Legal Options After a Parsippany, NJ Car Accident

    After a crash, our Parsippany, NJ car accident attorneys can help you explore various legal options to help you get financial compensation. One option you should consider is filing a personal injury lawsuit. The details of your lawsuit depend on the details of your accident, including where and how the crash happened. Although lawsuits are sometimes time-consuming, many plaintiffs find them worthwhile in the end.

    In New Jersey, the statute of limitations for personal injury lawsuits can be found under N.J.S.A. § 2A:14-2(a) and imposes a 2-year time limit. The statute of limitations limits the time plaintiffs have to file a lawsuit. In a car accident case, the clock begins ticking on your time limit on the day of the accident. If the 2-year deadline passes and you have not filed anything, you might lose your right to file the lawsuit.

    Our legal team can help you file your lawsuit on time. Filing your lawsuit not only requires being mindful of deadlines but also forms, documents, and details. To file your case, we must submit a formal complaint to the appropriate court. The complaint must contain specific details about you, the defendant, the accident, your injuries, and the relief (i.e., financial compensation) you want. If the complaint is missing key details or filed in the wrong court, we will need to start over from the beginning.

    Damages You Can Recover After a Car Accident in Parsippany, NJ

    The term “damages” is a legal phrase that encompasses the various losses and injuries you experienced after being injured in a car accident. Many of these are connected to monetary expenses, like medical bills or vehicle repair costs. Other damages are non-economic and did not cost you any money, but you should still be compensated for enduring the experience.

    Economic damages are easily calculated because they are connected to a monetary price or cost. The trick is ensuring you have all your economic damages accounted for before tallying everything up. Economic damages typically include medical debt, vehicle repair costs, the value of any lost or destroyed property, and lost income from missing work after the crash.

    Non-economic are arguably more difficult to evaluate because they are based on your subjective experiences after a car accident. For example, emotional and physical pain and suffering should be taken into account when determining non-economic damages. Other forms of non-economic damages might include humiliation or damage to your reputation. Our Parsippany, NJ car accident attorneys can help you evaluate these damages and get you the most compensation possible.

    Evidence to Prove Liability in a Parsippany, NJ Car Accident Case

    We must have evidence backing up your claims to prove the defendant is liable for the accident. Evidence may be almost anything if it tends to show that the defendant caused the accident. Not every piece of evidence must be completely definitive of the defendant’s liability. In many cases, liability is proven with many small pieces of evidence that make up a larger puzzle.

    After the accident, you should take pictures and record videos of the crash scene. This is commonly done for insurance purposes, but the photos and videos can also be used as evidence in a civil lawsuit. In some cases, we can track down security camera footage of the accident from nearby homes or businesses.

    Witness testimony can still make or break a lawsuit even in cases where physical evidence from the accident is lacking. Car accident cases often involve multiple witnesses, especially if the crash involved multiple vehicles or occurred at a busy location along the road or highway.

    Call Our Parsippany, NJ Car Accident Lawyers for Help Now

    After a car accident, our Parsippany, NJ car accident lawyers can help you get financial compensation to cover your expensive damages while you recover. For a free review of your case, call The Carrion Law Firm at (718) 841-0083.