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slip and fall attorney

How Do I Get the Most Out of My Slip and Fall Case in New York?

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    After a slip and fall accident in New York, victims often require compensatory damages. To get the most out of your case, reach out to our lawyers after a slip and fall accident.

    In order to get the most out of your slip and fall accident lawsuit against a negligent party in New York, victims should take several steps. Be sure to immediately document your accident and start gathering evidence. Our attorneys can help you in this process and ensure you file a slip and fall accident lawsuit within New York’s three-year statute of limitations. There are no caps on any damages in New York slip and fall accident claims, including economic, non-economic, and punitive damages. This allows victims to recover total compensation for all losses stemming from a slip and fall injury in New York.

    We’re here to help slip and fall accident victims get the most out of claims against negligent parties. For a free case evaluation with the New York slip and fall accident lawyers at The Carrion Law Firm, call today at (718) 841-0083.

    How Can I Get the Most Out of My Slip and Fall Case in New York?

    Recovering compensation after a slip and fall accident in New York is often essential for victims, especially those who sustained serious and expensive injuries. In order to recover considerable compensatory damages against a negligent party, victims should document an accident, gather evidence, file a lawsuit quickly, and hire our experienced attorneys who can prove fault in a slip and fall claim in New York.

    Document the Accident

    Suppose you require substantial compensatory damages after a slip and fall accident in New York and plan to recover such in a lawsuit against a negligent party. In that case, it is important to document your accident immediately after it occurs. Depending on the circumstances, calling the police and filing a report may be prudent. If a slip and fall accident occurred in a store or a neighbor’s home, inform the negligent party of your injuries, preferably in writing. Our Albany slip and fall accident lawyers can help you properly document your accident quickly so that it is clear that you sustained damages due to a negligent party’s actions, helping you to recover significant compensation in a lawsuit.

    Gather Evidence

    The burden of proof standard used in slip and fall accident claims in New York is a preponderance of the evidence standard. This means that our attorneys must prove that it is more likely than not that a negligent party caused a victim’s injuries for a victim to recover compensation of any kind. In order to achieve this, evidence must be gathered. Evidence of negligence often includes medical records, photographs, eyewitness statements, and security camera footage, among other things.

    Strong evidence of negligence can prove fault, which can help victims recover the compensatory damages they deserve in a slip and fall accident lawsuit in New York. Evidence of gross negligence might even lead to punitive damages in a New York slip and fall claim. Without compelling evidence and a strong compensation claim, victims may be unable to recover the compensatory damages they need to heal.

    File Quickly

    Generally speaking, the sooner you file a slip and fall accident lawsuit in New York, the better your chances of recovering compensatory damages will be. When victims wait to sue, their losses may appear insignificant, resulting in reduced damages. This can negatively affect victims who require compensation for expensive medical bills and detrimental lost wages after an accident.

    The filing deadline for slip and fall accident claims in New York is three years from the date of injury. Our attorneys can help you bring a lawsuit against a negligent party within the statute of limitations so that you are not barred from recovery in New York.

    Hire Our Attorneys

    To get the most out of a slip and fall case in New York, victims should hire our attorneys. Our experienced Long Island slip and fall accident lawyers can help you prepare a strong compensation claim against a negligent party that results in significant compensatory damages. Familiar with New York’s pure comparative fault laws, which may result in reduced damages for victims that share liability for their injuries, our attorneys can anticipate a defendant’s argument and undermine it to prove that you deserve total compensation for all economic and non-economic losses after a slip and fall accident in New York.

    What is the Most I Can Get Out of My Slip and Fall Case in New York?

    The compensation you can get in a slip and fall case in New York will depend on your losses due to an accident. To learn about the damages available in your lawsuit, reach out to our Rochester slip and fall accident lawyers.

    Economic Damages

    Economic damages can compensate slip and fall accident victims in New York for financial losses due to a defendant’s negligence. In order for you to recover total compensation for all economic losses, our attorneys can compile proof of damages. Generally, this entails gathering evidence of financial losses, like records of medical bills, lost wages, and other out-of-pocket expenses caused by a slip and fall accident. There is no cap on economic damages in slip and fall cases in New York.

    Non-Economic Damages

    Non-economic damages attempt to compensate slip and fall accident victims in New York for non-financial losses. This might include pain and suffering, reduced quality of life, and other emotional and mental difficulties caused by a slip and fall accident. Because there is no limit on non-economic damages in New York, victims can recover considerable compensation after a slip and fall accident when they seek help from our experienced attorneys.

    Punitive Damages

    Though rare in slip and fall accident claims, punitive damages may be available in cases of gross negligence in New York. Punitive damages do not seek to compensate victims for their losses but to punish or make an example out of negligent defendants. There is no cap on punitive damages for slip and fall cases in New York.

    Call Our New York Lawyers About Your Slip and Fall Case Today

    If you recently sustained injuries in a slip and fall accident in New York and require compensation, our attorneys can help. For a free case evaluation with the Schenectady slip and fall accident lawyers at The Carrion Law Firm, call today at (718) 841-0083.