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Boca Raton Motorcycle Accident Lawyer

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    Motorcycle riders are not protected by an enclosed vehicle, and motorcycle accidents are extremely dangerous. After being injured in a motorcycle crash, you can sue the other driver and hold them liable for your damages.

    Motorcycle accidents can happen almost anywhere on the road or highway. In many cases, the crash is caused by negligent drivers who are not looking out for motorcycle riders. Your damages depend on the severity of your injuries and the expenses you incurred because of the collision. While your economic damages can be quite high, you must not forget to consider your non-economic damages, like pain and suffering. Evidence, much like damages, varies from case to case. Important evidence to look out for includes security camera footage, eyewitnesses, and any photos or videos you recorded after the accident. If you would rather avoid a full trial, we can help you negotiate a settlement to hopefully get you compensation faster.

    Motorcycle accidents are deadly serious, and anyone that causes an accident should be held liable in a court of law. Our Boca Raton motorcycle accident lawyers can prove the defendant in your case is to blame for your injuries. For a free review of your case, call The Carrion Law Firm at (718) 841-0083.

    How Motorcycle Accidents Happen in Boca Raton

    Motorcycle accidents can happen when you least expect them. Sometimes crashes involve only one other driver, multiple drivers, or drivers who flee the scene. The way your accident happened will influence how our Boca Raton motorcycle accident lawyers approach your case.

    In a lot of motorcycle accident cases, negligent drivers in cars, trucks, or other vehicles do not take into account the presence of motorcycle riders. When these drivers fail to use turn signals, speed, or otherwise drive in an unsafe manner, motorcycle riders are put at risk. Drivers are often inconsiderate of the needs of motorcycle riders because motorcycles, being smaller vehicles, are easy to overlook.

    In other cases, simple mistakes like failing to check a blind spot might lead to a terrible motorcycle crash. Motorcycles are smaller vehicles easily concealed in a driver’s blind spot. When making a turn or changing lanes, drivers must double-check blind spots to avoid a collision. If they do not check, a motorcycle rider might get hurt.

    Road conditions may also lead to crashes with motorcycles. Rainy, icy, or damaged roads might cause drivers to crash into other vehicles, including motorcycles. For example, a speeding car might lose control on an icy road and hit a motorcycle. If drivers are not exercising appropriate causation under the circumstances, they may be liable for the crash.

    Available Damages After Boca Raton Motorcycle Accidents

    The term “damages” is a legal term that refers to all your injuries and losses stemming from the motorcycle crash. Your damages will vary based on the severity of your injuries, the expenses related to your accident, and your own personal experience of the accident.

    Economic damages are related to real monetary costs, like bills and invoices. Your medical bills will likely comprise a significant portion of your economic damages. The more treatment you go through, the greater your damages. You may even claim future medical bills if your medical treatment is expected to last for a while. Other expenses like the value of your damaged motorcycle and income lost from missing work due to your injuries must also be calculated in your settlement.

    Non-economic damages are your losses that did not come with a price tag but were still deeply felt. Accidents can be very traumatic, and your mental and physical suffering, pain, and turmoil can be compensated. Measuring these damages can be challenging, but our Boca Raton motorcycle accident attorneys can help you argue for the most compensation possible.

    Evidence Needed in Motorcycle Accidents in Boca Raton

    Evidence is another important variable in motorcycle accident lawsuits. Some plaintiffs have so much evidence that they have to strategically pick and choose what to use in court and what to hold back. Other plaintiffs struggle to gather relevant evidence and build cases based on very little. Our Boca Raton motorcycle accident lawyers are prepared to help you build your case no matter how much evidence we can drum up.

    You should begin gathering evidence immediately after your crash if you are able. Recording photos and videos of the accident scene before it is cleared away by law enforcement can make or break a case if there is little other evidence. Our Boca Raton motorcycle accident lawyers can go a step further and track down any security camera footage from nearby homes or businesses.

    Even without any photos or videos, we can build a strong case based on the testimony of eyewitnesses. Witnesses may include other drivers, passengers, or passersby who saw your motorcycle accident as it happened. The more witnesses who can back up your version of events, the more likely you will win your case.

    Negotiating a Settlement for a Motorcycle Accident in Boca Raton

    Trials can be very long, very challenging, and very emotionally charged. It is not unusual for plaintiffs to seek other legal options to get compensation for their damages. If you would rather avoid a turbulent personal injury trial, our Boca Raton motorcycle accident attorneys can help you negotiate a settlement agreement.

    Settlements are private, legally binding agreements that occur outside the courtroom. They are arranged between the two parties and their legal counsel. Generally, the defendant agrees to cover a certain amount of the plaintiff’s damages, and the plaintiff agrees to waive their right to bring the case. A settlement does not usually cover all your damages, but a good settlement should not leave you with outstanding debts you cannot pay.

    Call Our Boca Raton Motorcycle Accident Lawyers for Assistance

    If you were involved in a motorcycle crash, you deserve justice for the pain and trauma you have had to endure. Our Boca Raton motorcycle accident lawyers can help you get compensation for your damages. To begin exploring your legal options with a free case review, call The Carrion Law Firm at (718) 841-0083.