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What’s the Average Settlement for a Car Accident Back and Neck Injury in New York City?

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    As a car accident victim in New York City, it is important to learn the average settlement for certain injuries like back and neck injuries. If a settlement doesn’t cover your losses, you can go to trial.

    The average settlement for car accident cases involving back and neck injuries in New York City may include compensation for economic damages like medical bills and lost wages. To increase a settlement, victims should gather evidence, file quickly, and call our attorneys. If it appears as though settlement negotiations are not progressing, our lawyers can help you take your case to court. By going to trial and not settling out of court, victims may recover greater compensation, such as non-economic and punitive damages.

    We’re here to help car accident victims dealing with back and neck injuries hold negligent drivers accountable. For a free case evaluation with the New York City car accident lawyers at The Carrion Law Firm, call today at (718) 841-0083.

    What’s Included in an Average Settlement for a Car Accident Back and Neck Injuries in New York City?

    Car accidents can be severe, leading to serious back and neck injuries that may require expensive medical treatment. If you are permitted to file a lawsuit against a negligent driver according to New York’s no-fault laws, you may be able to recover compensation via a settlement. But what might be included in that settlement?

    First, car accident victims in New York City need to understand that filing a lawsuit is not always an option. New York is a no-fault state for car accidents, so only victims who have sustained certain injuries can sue. For example, spinal cord injuries and other permanent back and neck injuries may qualify you to file a lawsuit. Our New York City car accident lawyers can assess your case to determine whether or not you can file a lawsuit against a negligent party after a crash.

    If you can sue, you might be able to settle your case out of court. In the average settlement for car accident cases involving back and neck injuries, victims may be able to recover compensation for economic damages. This may include compensation for medical bills, lost wages, and other out-of-pocket expenses. Negligent drivers are unlikely to offer non-economic damages in a settlement in New York City. Depending on the circumstances, a defendant might not offer to cover all your financial losses in a settlement.

    How to Increase a Car Accident Settlement for Back and Neck Injuries in New York City

    Settlement negotiations can be arduous and lengthy for victims. To increase a settlement from a negligent driver after a car accident that results in back and neck injuries, there are several things you can do. If you gather sufficient evidence, file quickly, and hire our attorneys, a defendant may be more likely to offer a greater settlement in New York City.

    Gather Evidence

    In many cases, negligent drivers want to avoid trial. If there is ample evidence of a defendant’s negligence, they may be more willing to settle at a higher amount. Gathering evidence often requires victims to report their injuries to the police and seek medical attention for their back and neck injuries following a car accident. Our Staten Island car accident lawyers can help you gather additional evidence of negligence, such as eyewitness statements and security camera footage, to hopefully increase your settlement.

    File Quickly

    If you wish to recover considerable compensation via a car accident settlement in New York City, it is important to file a lawsuit quickly. When you wait to sue, it might appear as though your injuries are insignificant and without the need for compensation. This might harm your chances at trial, enabling a negligent driver to offer you a below-average settlement amount. In New York, the statute of limitations to bring a claim against a negligent driver is three years. Our attorneys can help you file quickly so that a defendant is more likely to offer you a settlement that reflects your damages.

    Hire Our Attorneys

    Engaging in settlement negotiations can be challenging without our experienced Schenectady car accident lawyers by your side. Victims may be unable to identify subpar settlement offers and accept an offer that’s far less than what they deserve. Our lawyers can represent your interests in settlement negotiations and know when it is time to move and take a case to court.

    Can Damages Awarded in a New York City Car Accident Lawsuit Be Greater Than the Average Settlement for Back and Neck Injuries?

    The average settlement for back and neck injury claims arising from car accidents in New York City may be insufficient to cover your damages. In many cases, victims can claim greater compensation when they choose not to settle and instead go to trial in New York City.

    Settling a case may result in considerable compensation for car accident victims. However, if you sustained a back or neck injury that has severely altered your quality of life, going to trial may result in greater compensation.

    When you settle a case, you may not recover compensation for non-economic damages. At a trial, victims stand to recover compensation for the emotional difficulties they have experienced due to a negligent driver’s actions. New York does not have a cap on non-economic damages for car accident victims healing from back and neck injuries.

    In cases of gross negligence, not settling and going to court may be wise. If a negligent driver acted with gross negligence when they caused your back and neck injuries, you might be able to recover punitive damages at a trial.

    Call Our Lawyers After a Car Accident in New York City

    If you recently sustained back and neck injuries in a car accident in New York City and require compensation, our attorneys can help. For a free case evaluation with the Syracuse car accident lawyers at The Carrion Law Firm, call today at (718) 841-0083.