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Queens car accident lawyer
Woodside Truck Accident Lawyer

Woodside Truck Accident Lawyer

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    Collisions on the highway are fairly common. Accidents happen nearly every day in places like Queens in New York City, where traffic is almost always busy. But what happens if the other vehicle in an accident is an enormous truck? These kinds of accidents are known to be extremely dangerous, and sometimes deadly, and injured victims deserve significant compensation for their injuries and costs.

    Trucks usually stick to major highways, and accidents tend to be more common on highways rather than city streets. However, accidents on city streets might still be possible when trucks must make deliveries to local businesses. Considering how large and complicated truck crash scenes can be, it is important to hire an experienced lawyer to help you make sense of everything and get fair compensation. Such compensation is likely substantial, as injuries and other damages are often catastrophic and life-altering. Truckers, their employers, and possibly others might be responsible for the accident, and you should speak to an attorney about how to recover damages.

    Get a private, free evaluation of your case when you call our Queens truck accident lawyers at The Carrion Law Firm at (718) 841-0083.

    How Truck Crashes Can Happen in Woodside

    Trucks are much larger than typical vehicles, and collisions with them may be extreme. Accident survivors are often so badly hurt that they spend months or more recovering. Some victims never fully recover and live with permanent complications or disabilities. While it can be difficult, it is important that you speak to an attorney as soon as possible. According to C.V.P. Law § 214(5), you have only 3 years to file a case. Talk to our truck accident lawyers about how your accident occurred so we can figure out how to file a claim and who should be held responsible.

    Truck accidents are more common on major highways. Trucks are often prohibited from entering smaller city streets due to their size unless they are delivering goods. Some major highways around Woodside that run through Queens include I-278, Route 25a (i.e., Northern Boulevard), and Route 25 (i.e., Queens Boulevard). While truck accidents along these roads are more likely, they might happen on all kinds of roads in Woodside.

    Exactly what causes a truck crash may vary from case to case. Common factors include distracted truckers, overly tired truckers, speeding, and turning accidents. Remember, trucks are enormous vehicles and are much harder to control than normal cars, and things like speeding or distractions on the road are extremely dangerous.

    Why Hiring an Experienced Attorney for a Woodside Truck Accident Case is Necessary

    Your attorney is like your right hand when you take legal action after a truck accident. Legal action is known for being difficult, and having a lawyer to help you while you rest and recover is best. Your attorney can get your case started by identifying negligent defendants. Plaintiffs sometimes place all the blame on truckers. While negligent truck drivers should be held accountable, they might not be the only people who contributed to the crash. If more people are responsible, they should be included in the case.

    Next, your lawyer can be very helpful in assessing damages. Your damages, as described in more detail below, reflect your injuries and losses and are the basis of your financial compensation. It is common for injured plaintiffs to underestimate the value of their damage or to overlook damages, thereby reducing their compensation. Your attorney can help make sure nothing is missed or left out, so you get everything you need.

    Gathering evidence is one of the most challenging parts of an accident case. Evidence is often found at the truck crash scene, but it tends to disappear quickly as the authorities usually clean these scenes up very quickly. Your lawyer can help you find other available evidence and use it to build the strongest case possible.

    Damages Recoverable in Woodside Truck Accident Cases

    Your damages, as mentioned earlier, should reflect your losses and injuries. Damages may be measured in how much they cost you financially or the emotional, psychological, and physical toll they take on your life. As such, accounting for and calculating damages is rarely simple.

    First, we should take stock of your economic damages. These damages may include all the ways the accident cost you money. For example, medical bills related to treatment for injuries from the accident may be extremely expensive and should be among the first damages accounted for. Next, we should think about the property you lost, including your car and various personal belongings inside your car. After that, we can consider how your injuries affect your ability to work. We can claim your lost income if you cannot work for a while.

    Second, we should consider your non-economic damages, which are all the ways the accident has harmed your life in ways that did not cost money. These damages are sometimes summed up as “pain and suffering,” but they may be so much more. You can claim damages for your physical pain, emotional trauma, psychological distress, and the overall loss of enjoyment of your life. If you live with permanent injuries from the accident, you might claim damages for the reduction in your quality of life.

    Who Might Be Responsible for a Truck Crash in Woodside

    Determining who is responsible for a truck crash often requires examining all the evidence we can find. Negligent truck drivers generally play a big part in causing accidents, but they might not be the only ones. Perhaps they fell asleep at the wheel after driving for dozens of hours on end, but other people or parties might also bear some blame.

    If we sue the trucker, we should consider including their employer in the case. Under the legal theory known as respondeat superior, employers may be held vicariously liable for injuries caused by negligent employees as long as they acted within the scope of their job. This may include general acts of trucker negligence, and the trucking company might bear the blame and help pay your damages.

    Contact Our Woodside Truck Accident Lawyers for Legal Support

    Get a private, free evaluation of your case when you call our truck accident lawyers at The Carrion Law Firm at (718) 841-0083.