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What Types of Vehicle Accidents Should Be Reported in NYC?

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    In NYC, car accident victims are only required to report certain types of collisions. That said, it benefits victims to report all types of vehicle accidents, regardless of how severe they initially appear.

    Only car accidents involving injury, death, or property damage must be reported in NYC. However, it’s a good idea to always report an accident, even if you don’t notice property damage or injuries right away. Generally, victims have 10 days to report an accident to the police and the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) and 30 days to report to their insurance. Quickly reporting is important, as missing deadlines can negatively impact your compensation claim against a negligent driver. If you’re having difficulty reporting to the necessary parties yourself, ask a lawyer for help.

    Our attorneys are here help NYC car accident victims get the justice they deserve against negligent drivers. For a free case evaluation with the NYC car accident lawyers at The Carrion Law Firm, call today at (718) 841-0083.

    What Types of Vehicle Accidents Do You Have to Report in NYC?

    In NYC, certain vehicle accidents must be reported to the police and the Department of Motor Vehicles. Currently, only accidents involving injury, death, or property damage need to be reported to the necessary authorities. That said, it’s best practice to report any accident, even if damages aren’t immediately apparent.


    If you were recently injured in a vehicle accident in NYC, you have to report it. Reporting an accident resulting in injuries is crucial, so you have the best chance of recovering compensation in a lawsuit against a negligent driver. It’s important to note that NYC doesn’t define which injuries need to be reported and which do not. So, even if you feel remotely uncomfortable after a collision, call the police. Otherwise, you won’t get your injuries documented in an official police report.


    All vehicle accidents that result in death must be reported to the police and the Department of Motor Vehicles. There is absolutely no exception to this rule. If you were injured in a car accident caused by a negligent driver wherein a passenger died, alert the authorities. If your loved one died in a car accident, it is the negligent driver’s responsibility to report the collision. Not doing so is against the law in NYC.

    Property Damage

    You may have to report your NYC accident depending on the damage done to your vehicle. Only accidents resulting in upwards of $1,000 must be reported to the police and the DMV. That said, even if there is a scratch on your car, it’s wise to report it. Estimating property damage can be difficult, especially after a chaotic collision. So, always report an accident resulting in property damage, even if you are unsure of the extent of the damage.

    How Soon After a Vehicle Accident in NYC Should You Report It?

    Reporting a vehicle accident, and doing so quickly, is important. Suppose you fail to report your collision within the necessary timeframe. In that case, you may face penalties and have difficulty recovering compensation against a negligent driver.

    Car accident victims in NYC have ten days after a collision to report it to the police and the DMV. That said, it’s best to call the police immediately after a crash. That way, NYC law enforcement officials can promptly complete an accident report. Although your Brooklyn car accident lawyer won’t be able to use a police report as evidence in a lawsuit against a negligent party, having access to a police report can ultimately help you recover compensation.

    NYC car accident victims should also report a collision to their personal injury protection insurance and a negligent driver’s liability insurance. Generally, victims have 30 days after a crash to do this.

    While it’s best to report a vehicle accident immediately afterward, that doesn’t always happen. Victims may be pressured into not calling the police by negligent drivers, or think their injuries or property damage don’t warrant police involvement. If you failed to report your vehicle accident immediately after the fact, don’t worry. Your Queens car accident lawyer can help you file a report with the police within ten days.

    What Happens if I Don’t Report My Vehicle Accident in NYC?

    It’s always important to report a car accident in NYC. That said, reporting a collision becomes even more crucial if you’re required to. When NYC vehicle accident victims don’t report a crash, they can face challenges when attempting to recover compensation in a lawsuit against a negligent driver.

    Suppose you don’t report an accident when you’re required to. In that case, you can face serious consequences, like getting your license suspended. This can happen, even if you are the victim of an accident.

    In addition to reporting your accident to the DMV and local police, it is also crucial that you inform your insurance. While victims generally recover more substantial compensation when they file a lawsuit and hire an experienced Bronx car accident lawyer, having the option to resort to an insurance claim can make victims feel more comfortable. If you don’t report your collision within 30 days, you may be unable to file an insurance claim.

    Not to mention, failing to report an accident can negatively impact your compensation claim. If you don’t report an accident and then attempt to file a lawsuit against a negligent driver, there will be no documentation of your collision. This can make it difficult to recover the damages you deserve in a lawsuit against a negligent driver. So, it’s always best to report any vehicle accident and do so as soon as possible in NYC.

    Call Our Attorneys After a Vehicle Accident in NYC

    If you’ve recently been injured in a vehicle accident in NYC, our Jamaica car accident lawyers can help. For a free case evaluation with the Buffalo car accident lawyers at The Carrion Law Firm, call today at (718) 841-0083.