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Schenectady Slip and Fall Lawyer

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    Slip and fall accidents are often unexpected and unavoidable. In some cases, victims of such accidents can sustain painful and debilitating injuries. Accordingly, the harm caused by slip and fall accidents can severely inhibit peoples’ quality of life.

    Many slip and fall accidents occur because of negligent actions committed by property owners. Our attorneys can help victims of such accidents recover financial compensation for the harm they incurred.

    If you were hurt because of a slip and fall accident in Schenectady, get help building your case against the at-fault party. Reach out to our experienced Schenectady slip and fall lawyers today by calling The Carrion Law Firm at (718) 841-0083. Our attorneys can review your case for free.

    Common Causes of Slip and Fall Accidents in Schenectady

    There are several types of hazards that can lead to slip and fall accidents. Our Schenectady slip and fall lawyers can offer guidance and support after accidents stemming from any of the following sources:

    Wet Floors

    Wet floors are a very common cause of slip and fall accidents. Property owners should clean up wet spots in a timely manner. Furthermore, signage should be placed in front of freshly mopped or slippery surfaces. When wet floors are not properly attended to, serious slip and fall accidents can happen. After such accidents, our attorneys can help hold negligent property owners accountable for the harm they caused.

    Poor Lighting

    Poor lighting is another common cause of slip and fall accidents in Schenectady. When public staircases and hallways are dimly lit, harmful slip and fall accidents can occur. Property owners should install appropriate lighting fixtures and replace any dead light bulbs promptly. Victims of slip and fall accidents related to poor lighting may be entitled to compensation.

    Snow and Ice Accumulation

    Furthermore, many slip and fall accidents happen because property owners allow snow and ice to accumulate on their premises. For instance, a tenant at an apartment building may suffer a slip and fall because their building’s owner did not tend to ice that accumulated at their property’s entranceway. In such cases, our Schenectady slip and fall lawyers can help victims obtain payment for the injuries they incurred.

    Loose Electrical Wires and Cords

    Lastly, many slip and fall accidents happen because of loose electrical wires and cords. These accidents often happen in office buildings where there are several printers, computers, copiers, and other electronics plugged into wall outlets. Further, such accidents also regularly occur on construction sites, where tools are left plugged in with their wires strewn across shared workspaces. If you suffered a slip and fall accident caused by loose electrical wires and cords, our attorneys can help you take the appropriate steps toward compensation.

    Types of Damages Available to Victims of Slip and Fall Accidents in Schenectady

    There are multiple forms of economic and non-economic damages available to plaintiffs in slip and fall accident lawsuits. The forms of compensation awarded in your case will likely depend on the severity of your injuries. During your free case review, our Schenectady slip and fall lawyers can explain which of the following types of damages may be recovered:

    Medical Expenses

    Victims of slip and fall accidents may recover compensation for any medical expenses they incurred. This includes the cost of past, current, and future medical treatment. These damages are usually calculated using medical records and bills. Accordingly, you should seek medical attention as soon as possible after suffering a slip and fall. Waiting to let your injuries heal on their own could inhibit your chances at recovering payment.

    Lost Wages

    Many slip and fall accident injuries cause victims to spend time away from their jobs during recovery. Fortunately, plaintiffs in slip and fall cases may also recover compensation for any lost wages they sustained because of the harm they suffered. These damages are usually quantified using a worker’s average weekly wage.

    Some slip and fall victims may be permanently prevented from performing the same duties that they tended to before their accidents. In such cases, plaintiffs may be entitled to compensation for their lost earning capacity in the future. However, pursuing a claim for lost future earning capacity can be a complex task. Expert witness testimony is usually necessary to support such a claim. Accordingly, the assistance of our Schenectady slip and fall lawyers can be very helpful when seeking compensation for lost future income in your case.

    Pain and Suffering

    In addition to causing a great deal of physical pain, the injuries caused by slip and fall accidents can lead to immense emotional suffering. For example, a victim with a spinal cord injury may be prevented from participating in the same hobbies that they enjoyed before their accident. Furthermore, a victim who sustained a traumatic brain injury may have trouble engaging in meaningful familial relationships. In such cases, our attorneys can help plaintiffs seek compensation for the physical pain and emotional anguish they endured.

    Out-of-Pocket Expenses

    Additionally, plaintiffs in slip and fall accident cases can recover payment for any out-of-pocket expenses they incurred because of their injuries. There are many different types of expenses that may be compensated for. For instance, a victim may have to pay for costly transportation to and from their medical appointments and court proceedings. Further, an injured parent may incur costs for child care assistance during their recovery. In these cases, our attorneys can help plaintiffs seek monetary damages related to the out-of-pocket expenses they incurred.

    Damages for out-of-pocket expenses are often established using receipts or other financial documents. Accordingly, after suffering a slip and fall accident, you should preserve the receipts for any expenses related to your injuries.

    Property Damage

    Lastly, victims of slip and fall accidents may suffer damage to their personal property. For example, a construction worker who suffers a slip and fall may incur damage to their personal tools. Further, a victim’s cell phone may be cracked during the course of their accident. In these cases, our Schenectady slip and fall lawyers can help plaintiffs recover payment for the property damage they sustained.

    If You Suffered a Slip and Fall Accident in Schenectady, Our Attorneys Can Help

    If you were injured because of a slip and fall accident, seek support from our experienced Schenectady slip and fall lawyers by calling The Carrion Law Firm at (718) 841-0083 for a free review of your case.