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Schenectady Construction Accident and Injury Lawyer

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    There are several types of injuries that can occur on construction sites. Construction workers are asked to perform dangerous tasks, often while operating heavy machinery or using powerful tools. Accordingly, negligent behavior on construction sites can cause devastating accidents.

    In some cases, injured workers must pursue benefits through Workers’ Compensation insurance. However, other victims may file construction accident lawsuits against at-fault parties. An experienced construction accident lawyer can help explain the legal remedies available to you.

    If you were hurt because of a construction accident in Schenectady, get help seeking the compensation you deserve. Contact our experienced Schenectady construction accident and injury lawyers by calling The Carrion Law Firm at (718) 841-0083 for a free case review.

    Who to Sue After Construction Accidents in Schenectady

    The ability to sue will depend on the circumstances of your accident. Our Schenectady construction accident and injury lawyers can help victims determine if they may pursue one of the following courses of action:

    Suing a Defective Product’s Seller or Manufacturer

    Many construction accidents are caused by defective or dangerous products. Products can be defective because of their design, manufacturing, or marketing. For example, a tool that causes injuries because it does not come with proper instructions will be considered a defective product.

    Negligent sellers and manufacturers can be held liable for injuries caused by their defective products. However, products liability lawsuits can be complicated. Extensive amounts of evidence are usually required to supports plaintiffs’ claims. The support of our experienced Schenectady construction accident and injury lawyers can be highly valuable when pursuing a claim against a defective product’s seller or manufacturer.

    Suing a Third Party

    Furthermore, some construction accidents are caused by negligent third-party contractors. For instance, a worker may suffer an injury because another contractor carelessly operated a forklift. In such cases, victims may file lawsuits against at-fault parties. Our Schenectady construction accident and injury lawyers can help prove that another party was at fault.

    Suing Your Employer

    In most cases, you will be unable to hold your employer liable for a construction accident. Workers injured because of their employers’ negligent conduct will typically have to pursue benefits through Workers’ Compensation insurance.

    However, according to W.K.C. Law § 11,victims who suffered “grave” injuries may recover compensation from their employers. There are multiple types of injuries that fall under this classification, including amputations, paralysis injuries, and injuries that cause severe facial disfigurement. You can contact our team for help determining if you can hold your employer liable for your construction accident.

    Common Causes of Construction Accidents in Schenectady

    Construction accidents can come in many forms. The strategies that apply to your construction accident lawsuit can depend on the cause of your accident. The following are common causes of construction accidents in Schenectady:

    Unsafe Workspaces

    Unsafe workspaces are a common cause of construction accidents. Unsafe workspaces can be created by careless third-party contractors and negligent employers. For instance, a contractor or employer may create an unsafe workspace by obstructing a narrow walkway with supplies. In that case, a worker could suffer a serious slip and fall injury because of the obstructed walkway. Victims can contact our Schenectady construction accident and injury lawyers for help recovering compensation after accidents caused by unsafe workspaces.

    Failure to Provide Proper Safety Equipment

    Serious accidents can occur when employers fail to provide construction workers with proper safety equipment. For example, a worker who does not receive a proper harness before working from tall heights can suffer grave injuries in a fall. Workers who were injured because they were not provided with appropriate safety equipment may be able to pursue a claim against their employer.

    Defective Products

    Defective products are another common cause of construction accidents in Schenectady. Accidents caused by defective products can produce disastrous injuries. For instance, a worker operating a defective ban saw can incur a severe laceration or amputation. Our Schenectady construction accident and injury lawyers can help victims of such accidents navigate the complicated road to recovery.

    Poorly Maintained Equipment

    Most construction equipment requires routine maintenance. When such equipment is not properly maintained, serious accidents can occur. For example, a worker may suffer a devastating fall because a contractor or employer did not properly maintain scaffolds. Our attorneys can help investigate whether a construction accident was caused by poorly maintained equipment.

    Vehicle Accidents

    Lastly, vehicle accidents are also a common cause of construction accidents. Construction sites are places where large trucks and heavy equipment are often coming and going. When the operators of the vehicles act negligently, serious accidents can occur. The following are examples of vehicle accidents that occur on construction sites:

    • Back-up crashes
    • Cargo spills
    • Rollovers
    • Collisions
    • Pinnings

    Workers injured because of vehicle accidents can contact our Schenectady construction accident and injury lawyers for help evaluating the legal options available to them.

    Filing a Workers’ Compensation Claim vs. Filing a Construction Accident Lawsuit in Schenectady

    Under W.K.C. Law § 2 and W.K.C. Law § 3, virtually all employers in New York are required to provide Workers’ Compensation benefits to their employees. Workers’ Compensation benefits provide financial compensation for medical expenses and lost wages incurred because of on-the-job injuries. Unfortunately, in some cases, insurers will improperly deny Workers’ Compensation claims. Our Schenectady construction accident lawyers can provide support to injured workers after their Workers’ Compensation claims have been improperly denied.

    If someone other than your employer caused your injury, you may be able to file a construction accident lawsuit against the at-fault party. Several types of damages are available to plaintiffs in injury lawsuits. The following categories of damages may be recovered in Schenectady construction accident lawsuits:

    • Medical expenses
    • Lost income
    • Physical pain and emotional suffering
    • Punitive damages

    Noneconomic damages and punitive damages will be unavailable to Workers’ Compensation claimants in Schenectady. Our team can help injured workers determine if they have grounds to file a construction accident lawsuit.

    If You Were Injured Because of a Construction Accident in Schenectady, Our Lawyers Can Help

    If you were hurt because of a construction accident, seek assistance from our experienced Schenectady construction accident and injury lawyers by calling The Carrion Law Firm at (718) 841-0083 for a free case review.