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Park Slope Truck Accident Lawyer

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    The risk of victims sustaining catastrophic injuries is high in truck accidents, and we can assist such victims as they seek compensation for their losses in Park Slope.

    To identify eyewitnesses after a truck accident, our lawyers may refer to information victims collected at the scene or details within the police report. Waiting to interview witnesses could lead to holes or issues with their statements, and we can avoid that by contacting them as soon as possible. In addition to eyewitnesses, we may get experts to assist with your case, such as crash reconstruction experts. These experts can help determine the cause of a collision and other notable facts, like the negligent driver’s speed and direction of travel. Compensable damages include victims’ financial losses and their intangible damages, and we can quantify your losses in preparation for your lawsuit.

    Call The Carrion Law Firm at (718) 841-0083 for a free case assessment from our truck accident lawyers.

    Identifying Eyewitnesses After Park Slope Truck Accidents

    Identifying witnesses is crucial since their statements can help our lawyers meet the standard of proof for your claim. If you see anyone near the accident site after the crash occurs, try to speak with them and get their contact details.

    Eyewitnesses may stay in the area after serious truck accidents, often to give victims aid. Uninvolved drivers might even pull over to help. If anyone you talk to saw what happened, request their information. Then, give this information to our truck accident lawyers. Promptly contacting eyewitnesses is important, as their memories could fade with time. When reviewing eyewitnesses’ statements, we will compare them to your account of the accident and ultimately submit them as evidence in your lawsuit.

    Truck crashes can be disastrous, and victims with catastrophic injuries might not have the time to talk to eyewitnesses, as their main focus may be getting medical attention. Victims should go to the emergency room and let first responders talk to eyewitnesses in these situations. Police officers may do this, enabling us to learn eyewitnesses’ names, addresses, and phone numbers by getting the accident report from law enforcement. Even if you did not see witnesses at the crash site, police officers might have spoken to them without you knowing, and getting the police report can tell us whether that is the case.

    How Crash Reconstruction Can Help Truck Accident Claims in Park Slope

    When suing for truck accident damages, victims must show how the defendant breached their duty of care, causing the accident and their injuries. Crash reconstruction can help us show how and why a collision occurred during settlement negotiations or a trial.

    Experts in accident reconstruction work by assessing evidence from a crash, such as photographs, videos, witness statements, and incident reports. To ensure experts have sufficient evidence, victims can photograph the accident scene. Taking pictures of any property damage is important, and victims can photograph any broken glass, debris, or tire marks on the pavement.

    Crash reconstruction can confirm the truck’s speed at the time of the accident, which could benefit your case if the driver hit you because they were driving over the speed limit. Reconstruction can also determine the exact point of impact, the first harmful event, and whether environmental factors could have affected the collision.

    Crash reconstruction is particularly important if New York’s comparative fault rules threaten to lower your recovery. In such situations, we can present evidence that the truck driver’s negligence, not your own, caused the accident. Drivers who have the last clear chance to avoid a crash but fail to do so might be liable for all of a victim’s damages, regardless of a victim’s contributory negligence.

    After completing their findings, accident reconstruction experts can testify at trials. We may also use their findings as leverage during negotiations with the opposing side to convince them to settle quickly and fairly out of court.

    Recoverable Damages After Park Slope Truck Accidents

    Victims may recover economic and non-economic damages, provided their injuries pass the threshold for filing auto accident claims in New York, which we can confirm by reviewing victims’ medical records and comparing them to I.S.C. Law § 5102(d).

    After confirming if you have a case, we can begin tracking your damages. Losses are split into two categories: economic and non-economic. Economic damages refer to victims’ financial losses, while non-economic damages refer to their intangible losses, like pain and suffering.

    Starting with your economic damages, we will organize hospital records and bills to show proof of your losses from medical treatment. We will also assess lost wages for victims who cannot return to work, which is common after severe truck accidents. There is no limit to how much victims may recover for their economic damages, though they must submit proof of their losses and show their connection to the accident and the defendant’s negligence.

    Emotional distress is normal after sustaining life-altering, disfiguring, or painful injuries. Fortunately, victims may recover damages for pain and suffering in New York after passing the serious injury threshold for auto accident claims. To demonstrate their non-economic damages, victims may give personal statements or speak to therapists and mental health professionals who may testify at trial.

    Truck accident lawsuits often involve the driver’s employer. Sometimes, accidents happen because of gross negligence on the employer’s part, such as making drivers work overtime in violation of federal regulations. Acting with reckless disregard for others’ safety, like driving under the influence, constitutes gross negligence, entitling victims to punitive damages. We can gauge whether punitive damages are available in your case based on the defendant’s conduct and request them when filing your complaint with the court. Punitive damages are only given by juries and are not available in settlements for truck accidents, or all truck accident lawsuits, for that matter.

    Call Our Lawyers for Help with Your Accident Case in Park Slope

    Call the truck accident lawyers at The Carrion Law Firm for a free case analysis at (718) 841-0083.