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Parlin, NJ Personal Injury Lawyer

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    The aftermath of a personal injury can be exhausting and stressful for victims. Many of those who suffer personal injuries incur expensive financial losses related to their medical treatment and damaged property. Furthermore, personal injury victims often experience detrimental effects on their quality of life.

    Fortunately, a personal injury lawyer can help recover compensation for personal injuries caused by other parties’ careless conduct. There are multiple categories of damages available to plaintiffs in personal injury lawsuits. However, defendants and their insurance companies often dispute various aspects of plaintiffs’ claims.

    If you were injured because of another person’s negligent conduct in Parlin, NJ, get help pursuing the compensation available to you. Contact our experienced Parlin personal injury lawyers by calling The Carrion Law Firm at (718) 841-0083 for a free case review.

    Time Limit to File a Personal Injury Lawsuit in Parlin, NJ

    Time limits to file lawsuits are established by states’ statutes of limitations. Under N.J.S.A. § 2A:14-2, you will generally have two years from the date of your accident to file a personal injury lawsuit in Parlin. Failure to comply with this deadline could cause you to miss out on important compensation.

    There are certain exceptions to the statute of limitations. For instance, parents may bring lawsuits on behalf of their children at any time until their children turn 18. Furthermore, according to N.J.S.A. § 2A:14-21, a new adult will have two years after turning 18 to file a personal injury lawsuit related to an injury that occurred while they were a minor.

    However, personal injury victims should not wait to file their lawsuits. Crucial evidence can become difficult to gather as time passes. If you suffered a personal injury, you should contact our Parlin personal injury lawyers as soon as possible, so we may begin building your case.

    Common Sources of Personal Injuries in Parlin, NJ

    Personal injury lawsuits can come in a variety of forms. The legal analyses and strategies that are used in your case can depend on the type of accident that occurred. The following are common types of accidents that lead to personal injuries in Parlin, NJ:

    Car Accidents

    Car accidents are an especially common cause of personal injuries. Motorists are expected to use reasonable care when driving on public roadways. Drivers who act carelessly can cause harmful crashes. The following are examples of negligent behavior that lead to car accidents in Parlin:

    • Speeding
    • Running red lights
    • Improper left turns
    • Illegal lane changes
    • Tailgating
    • Distracted driving
    • Drunk driving

    If you were injured because of an accident caused by another driver, you may be entitled to compensation. Our Parlin personal injury lawyers can help prove that another driver was at fault.

    Slip and Fall Accidents

    Slip and fall accidents are another cause of many personal injuries in Parlin. Property owners are required to maintain their premises for the safety of their visitors. When owners fail to appropriately maintain their properties, slip and fall accidents can occur. For example, a customer may suffer a slip and fall because a business owner did not fix a loose rug at the entranceway of their building.

    Slip and fall accidents can cause devastating injuries. In particular, senior citizens and those with pre-existing injuries can be severely harmed because of a slip and fall. Victims can contact our Parlin personal injury lawyers for holding a property owner accountable for their injuries.

    Defective Product Accidents

    Personal injuries are also caused by defective and dangerous products. Products can be defective in their marketing, manufacturing, or design. When consumers are injured because of defective products, negligent sellers and manufacturers can be held liable.

    There are many different types of products that can cause injuries when defective. For example, a child may choke because a small part became detached from a dangerous children’s toy. Further, a factory worker may incur serious injuries because of a defective mechanical device.

    However, proving fault in a personal injury case based on a defective product can be difficult. Extensive amounts of complicated evidence are often required to explain why products are defective. Accordingly, the guidance and support of our experienced Parlin personal injury lawyers can be very helpful when seeking to hold manufacturers liable for accidents caused by their defective products.

    Pedestrian Accidents

    Additionally, many personal injuries are caused by pedestrian accidents in Parlin, NJ. When pedestrians are struck by vehicles, catastrophic and even fatal injuries can occur. Such accidents frequently occur in urban areas and at intersections. Drivers who cause pedestrian accidents can be held responsible for the damage they cause.

    Motorcycle Accidents

    Motorcycle accidents are another common cause of personal injuries. Motorcycle riders are not afforded the same protections as those driving standard cars. Accordingly, bikers are often left to absorb the majority of the force caused by a crash. There are numerous devastating injuries that are caused by motorcycle accidents.

    Many motorcycle crashes occur because a careless motorist did not notice a biker travelling on the roadway. A great number of motorcycle riders are struck by drivers who make improper left turns and illegal lane changes. Victims of such accidents can reach out to our Parlin personal injury lawyers for help holding the at-fault driver responsible.

    Truck Accidents

    Lastly, truck accidents are a cause of a large number of personal injuries in Parlin. Truck crashes often cause especially severe injuries because of the size of vehicles involved. Many truck drivers are forced to stay on the road for extended periods in order to deliver their cargo on-time. Therefore, many truck accidents occur because of errors made by tired truck drivers.

    Improper cargo stowage is also the cause of many truck accidents. If cargo is stored loosely or improper tie downs are used, serious crashes can occur. Our Parlin personal injury lawyers can help hold seek compensation from truck drivers and trucking companies after accidents they cause.

    If You Were Injured Because of Another Person’s Negligent Actions in Parlin, NJ, Our Lawyers Can Help

    If you were injured because of another person’s negligent actions, seek support from our experienced Parlin personal injury lawyers by calling The Carrion Law Firm at (718) 841-0083 for a free case review.