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Harlem Bus Accident Lawyer

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    Bus accidents can not only be terrifying, but cause life-altering injuries to victims. If you were recently injured in a bus accident in Harlem, it is important to seek help from an experienced attorney.

    Determining the at-fault party for a Harlem bus accident can be difficult. These collisions are often complex, with multiple parties involved. A skilled lawyer can analyze the available evidence to determine which party, or parties, is liable for your injuries. Once fault is determined, your attorney must prove it. By gathering compelling evidence, like eyewitness accounts, medical records, security camera footage, and more, your experienced attorney can prove a negligent party’s fault in a lawsuit for compensatory damages. If successful, bus accident victims stand to recover substantial economic and non-economic damages against a negligent party.

    Our attorneys are dedicated to helping bus accident victims throughout Harlem recover the compensatory damages they deserve. For a free case evaluation with our Harlem bus accident lawyers at The Carrion Law Firm, call today at (718) 841-0083.

    Liable Parties in Harlem Bus Accidents

    Bus accidents in Harlem can be catastrophic, resulting in serious injuries to passengers. Depending on the circumstances of a bus accident, several parties may be liable for your injuries. To determine the at-fault party for a collision, you can ask a Harlem bus accident lawyer to assess your case

    Bus Drivers

    Often, bus drivers are at least partially responsible for accidents. Buses are large vehicles, meaning they have considerable blind spots. This can make it difficult for bus drivers to see passenger cars, motorcycles, bicyclists, and pedestrians. If a negligent bus driver is not paying careful attention to blind spots and other drivers on the road, they may be more likely to cause an accident. Bus drivers often work long hours, which is why drowsy driving is a common cause of bus accidents in Harlem. If you are unsure whether or not a bus driver acted negligently, causing your injuries, ask a Harlem bus accident lawyer for clarification.

    Parent Companies

    Parent companies can often be held responsible for accidents involving their vehicles in Harlem. Generally, parent companies have a duty of care to passengers to regularly inspect and properly maintain buses. These companies also have a responsibility to vet prospective drivers. Unless a parent company considers its employees independent contractors, you may be able to file a lawsuit for compensatory damages after a bus accident in Harlem.

    That said, suing a parent company can be challenging. Because of this, it is important for victims to hire an experienced Harlem bus accident lawyer who is not afraid of holding a powerful company accountable.

    Passenger Car Drivers

    Because of their large size, buses cannot easily maneuver. This makes it difficult for bus drivers to quickly respond to a negligent passenger car driver’s actions. While negligent bus drivers are often the cause of devastating accidents, that is not always the case. It is possible for a passenger car driver to act negligently, causing a bus accident in Harlem. In that case, a passenger car driver would be liable for your injuries, not necessarily a bus driver.

    Other Parties

    Bus accidents are not always cut and dry, with an obvious liable party to blame. In some situations, it may be less clear who is at fault. For example, pedestrians or bicyclists who fail to heed traffic laws might cause a bus accident in Harlem. Disruptive passengers on a bus can distract a driver, causing a serious accident. If the cause of your Harlem bus accident is unclear, and you are unsure who is liable for your injuries, turn to an experienced lawyer for help.

    Proving Negligence in a Harlem Bus Accident Lawsuit

    Proving liability in a Harlem bus accident lawsuit can be challenging. In order to hold all negligent parties accountable and recover sufficient compensatory damages for their injuries, victims should hire an experienced Harlem bus accident lawyer immediately.

    Various parties can be at fault for a bus accident in Harlem. Because of this, it is important to have a skilled attorney in your corner. A dedicated lawyer with the experience and resources necessary to prove a negligent party’s fault can help victims recover the compensatory damages they deserve.

    To prove a defendant’s fault, your attorney must compile compelling evidence. Depending on your case, such evidence may include medical records, eyewitness statements, security camera footage, and photographs. While police reports are not considered evidence in Harlem bus accident lawsuits, such documents can be invaluable to an attorney while building a case against a defendant.

    Compensation for Bus Accident Victims in Harlem

    As a Harlem bus accident victim, you are entitled to substantial compensatory damages. That said, compensation is never guaranteed, so having a skilled attorney in your corner is of the utmost importance.

    Bus accidents are often catastrophic, resulting in severe injuries to passengers and other victims. These vehicles often lack crucial safety measures, such as seatbelts and airbags. Because of this, victims are likely to sustain serious injuries, ranging from lacerations to traumatic brain injuries.

    With help from an experienced bus accident lawyer, victims in Harlem stand to recover both economic and non-economic damages against a negligent party. Economic damages seek to compensate victims for the financial impact of a bus accident, like lost wages and medical bills. Non-economic damages attempt to compensate Harlem bus accident victims for any emotional suffering they have endured due to a negligent party’s actions.

    Neither economic nor non-economic damages are guaranteed in a bus accident lawsuit. That said, with an experienced lawyer by your side, you can increase your chances of recovering the compensatory damages you deserve in a Harlem bus accident lawsuit.

    Call Our Attorneys After a Harlem Bus Accident

    If you have recently been injured in a bus accident in Harlem, our attorneys can help. For a free case evaluation with our Harlem bus accident lawyers at The Carrion Law Firm, call today at (718) 841-0083.