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New York Insurance Claim Denial Lawyer

Can You Settle with an Insurance Company on Your Own in New York?

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    After an accident in New York, you may decide to settle with an insurance company rather than pursue a lawsuit. But how difficult is this process, and can you do it on your own?

    While you can, in theory, settle with an insurance company without legal representation in New York, you shouldn’t. These conversations can be lengthy and complicated for individuals to navigate by themselves. Not to mention, insurance companies often try to offer the lowest settlement amount possible, leaving you without the proper compensation for your injuries or other damages. Instead, you should hire a lawyer to help you engage in settlement discussions with an insurance company in New York. An Oyster Bay car accident attorney can represent your interests and help you get the settlement amount you deserve.

    At The Carrion Law Firm, we believe in helping victims stand up to insurance companies. Our team can guide you through settlement discussions and help you receive an appropriate award. For a free case evaluation, call the New York car accident lawyers at The Carrion Law Firm today at (718) 841-0083.

    What Does It Mean to Settle with an Insurance Company in New York?

    There are many reasons you might be in conversations with an insurance company. Of these, car accidents are usually the reason why most people have to interact with an insurance company to compensate for their injuries or damage to their vehicles. But what does a settlement entail?

    Engaging in settlement discussions with an insurance company in New York means figuring out how much you deserve for your injuries or any other damage you have sustained after an accident. These discussions can be complicated and lengthy, as insurance companies are often unwilling to compensate you entirely for damage you have incurred.

    After you submit a claim with an insurance company, their representatives will investigate the claim and suggest an amount. This process is often difficult for victims to undergo alone, as insurance companies tend to attempt to settle at the lowest amount possible. Once you agree to a settlement with an insurance company in New York, the process ends, and you may be unable to pursue other routes to compensation, like a lawsuit.

    What Happens If You Settle with an Insurance Company on Your Own in New York?

    If insurance settlements are common, especially after car accidents and other incidents in New York, what’s stopping you from doing it yourself? What can happen if you settle with an insurance company on your own in New York?

    Suppose you decide to engage in settlement discussion without legal representation from an experienced Bronx car accident lawyer, like those at The Carrion Law Firm. In that case, you may end up accepting a settlement amount far lower than you deserve. These conversations often involve jargon unfamiliar to the average person, making individuals engaging in settlement discussions alone the perfect target for insurance companies that want to minimize your award.

    After an accident, you may have high medical bills or lost wages. If an accident in New York has put a financial strain on your life, you may be willing to accept any settlement, large or small, to alleviate the strain. Suppose you choose to settle with an insurance company on your own in New York. In that case, you run the risk of accepting a lesser award that may not totally compensate you for your economic and non-economic damages.

    Another downside to engaging in settlement discussions with an insurance company by yourself is inexperience. If you don’t know what to say or how to approach these difficult discussions, you may misspeak and provide leeway for insurance companies to reduce your award. You may also decide to take the first offer from an insurance company without realizing that you actually deserve a much higher settlement amount. While it’s legal for individuals to settle with an insurance company on their own in New York, the bottom line is that it’s not wise.

    What Are the Benefits of Having an Attorney When Settling with an Insurance Company in New York?

    When considering settling with an insurance company after an accident in New York, it is best to have an attorney by your side. There are many benefits to hiring a Corona car accident lawyer to help you navigate settlement discussions with an insurance company, including receiving a greater award.

    The first benefit of having an attorney alongside you while settling with an insurance company in New York is demonstrated before discussions even begin. Experienced Long Island car accident attorneys, like those at The Carrion Law Firm, can assess your claim and get an idea of how much you deserve. Having a knowledgeable lawyer in your corner sets you up for success before you start engaging in settlement discussions with an insurance company in New York.

    Another benefit of hiring a lawyer to help with settlement discussions is that they represent your interests. Attorneys, like the team at The Carrion Law Firm, are dedicated to fighting for your best interests. Instead of accepting the first low offer from an insurance company, a lawyer can argue for a better award that reflects your needs.

    Hiring a lawyer also helps with difficult decisions, such as whether settling at all is the right approach. Perhaps your attorney believes you should sue the responsible party instead, as that would be your best path to compensation. Remember, your lawyer protects your interests, so their guidance and knowledge can be invaluable, whether in settlement discussions with an insurance company or a lawsuit.

    When engaging in any discussions or actions for compensation, it’s always helpful to have an attorney by your side. The right lawyer can help you get the settlement amount you deserve and take a large burden off you, the victim, throughout the settlement process.

    Our Attorneys Can Help You Settle with an Insurance Company in New York

    When you need to engage in settlement discussions with an insurance company in New York, don’t do it on your own. Call the New York personal injury lawyers at The Carrion Law Firm today for a free case evaluation at (718) 841-0083.