Borough Park Car Accident Lawyer
When victims suffer serious injuries in accidents, lawsuits may be the only way to get the compensation they need. Their personal injury protection plans might be insufficient to cover their medical damages or lost wages, let alone non-economic damages, and our lawyers can help file lawsuits to make victims whole again.
Badly injured victims focusing on their physical recoveries can rely on our lawyers to preserve and obtain evidence, such as eyewitness statements and photographic evidence. We can keep track of all medical damages associated with the collision and confirm if your injuries exempt you from New York’s no-fault rules. After preparing and writing your complaint, we will file it, making sure to do so before the statute of limitations ends. Then, we can discuss a settlement with the negligent driver, refusing to accept less than what you deserve for your economic and non-economic damages.
Call (718) 841-0083 to discuss your case for free with the Brooklyn car accident lawyers of The Carrion Law Firm.
What We Can Do to Strengthen Your Borough Park Car Accident Case
Throughout each stage in your car accident case, our lawyers can protect your interests and recovery. Initially, we can identify evidence and obtain it on your behalf. This may include interviewing eyewitnesses, getting accident reports, and organizing medical records. We can then organize that information into a coherent complaint we will file within three years and go on to negotiate a fair settlement on your behalf in Borough Park.
Identify and Obtain Relevant Evidence
Right away, we can work to preserve and obtain relevant evidence and documentation for your case. For example, we can immediately get the crash report from law enforcement. This report will detail the accident, its involved parties, and possible primary or contributing factors. Officers will note if you are injured and need medical assistance on the scene or transportation to the hospital, as well as the apparent property damage to your vehicle and the other involved driver’s car.
If there are eyewitnesses nearby who remain on the scene, officers might speak to them and record their contact information. This can lead us to witnesses we should interview, enabling us to preserve their statements as soon as possible. We will ask them about the negligent driver’s actions, your injuries on the scene, and anything else of note they observed firsthand. They might have taken photos or videos that can corroborate their statements, and we will also obtain those materials during interviews with eyewitnesses.
In addition to evidence of the collision, our car accident lawyers will also obtain evidence of your injuries. This may include photos of visible injuries you took at the scene and hospital records detailing medical treatments and diagnoses. We can request these records on your behalf from providers and hospitals while you are still recovering. Staying committed to your treatment and physical recovery is paramount, as having gaps in your medical records could lead to issues with your lawsuit down the line. We will use these medical records to prove you suffered serious injuries under I.S.C. Law § 5102(d), enabling you to sue for all damages you have incurred, both tangible and intangible.
Prepare and File Complaints on Time
As we organize evidence into arguments, we will also write the complaint we must file in court. This document will outline your lawsuit, explain the cause of action, and request relief from damages. We will identify the at-fault party in the case and also be prepared to provide confirmation of your serious injuries soon after filing. New York being a no-fault state makes this crucial. We can have the physicians who have treated you give statements confirming your injuries and plan for them to testify during a trial about the severity if your injuries and possible upcoming medical expenses. Medical experts’ statements can also help support compensation requests for future lost wages based on a victim’s lowered earning capacity since an accident.
Generally speaking, car accident complaints must be filed within three years of collisions, according to C.V.P. Law § 214(5). Not bringing your case during this three-year window could mean you lose your chance to get any compensatory damages, so we will abide by the statute of limitations at all costs. Even minor issues with complaints could lead to them being dismissed and force plaintiffs to refile, further delaying their recoveries, and our lawyers can avoid this by writing an accurate complaint initially.
Negotiate Settlements and Get Deserved Damages
Settling a case does not have to require many concessions on the plaintiff’s behalf, provided their attorney can leverage evidence over the defendant that convinces them to offer a higher amount out of court. Defendants might do this for several reasons, like to save time and resources and to avoid being behind made to pay potentially larger amounts at trial. When liability is clear through the evidence, at-fault drivers might propose better settlements, particularly after some negotiations with our lawyers.
That said, some defendants are stubborn during settlement negotiations, refusing to budge much from their initial offers. When this happens, our attorneys can take your case to court rather than delaying your recovery any longer. Some defendants respond to this by giving higher offers plaintiffs are more comfortable accepting to avoid a trial. During settlement talks, our lawyers can remind you of your total damages so that you make informed decisions regarding whether to accept proposals or go to trial in Borough Park.
Settlement offers might continue to come even during the course of a trial, and we can help you gauge their fairness, especially with a potential jury award in the future. Juries might give larger amounts for non-economic damages than defendants are willing to concede in settlements, at least initially.
Call Our Borough Park Car Accident Attorneys Today
Call (718) 841-0083 for help with your case from the car accident lawyers of The Carrion Law Firm.