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Syracuse Uber & Lyft Accident Lawyer

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    Uber and Lyft drivers are quickly filling up the roads of the Syracuse area. These drivers are human just like anyone else and still capable of making mistakes behind the wheel. If this results in an accident that injures you, you deserve to know about your legal options for pursuing recovery.

    Rideshare drivers partake in certain forms of negligent driving more often than ordinary drivers, such as short stops, failing to use turn signals, tailgating, and driving under the influence. If you sustain serious injury, you can sue the driver and recover from the rideshare company’s supplemental insurance. But you must act before the statute of limitations runs out.

    You can take action on your rightful recovery today, starting with a free initial case assessment from The Carrion Law Firm. Call our seasoned Syracuse Uber and Lyft accident lawyers today at (718) 841-0083.

    Common Causes of Uber and Lyft Accidents in Syracuse

    Rideshare driver negligence causes danger on the roads in many ways. Some of these are similar to other drivers, while others are not. That is why our Syracuse Uber and Lyft accident attorneys have provided the following examples of ways that rideshare drivers can incur liability for causing an accident.

    Stopping Short

    One of the biggest complaints that other motorists have about Uber and Lyft drivers is their tendency to stop suddenly in traffic lanes, often without warning. A savvy and lucky driver will be able to evade collision with a driver in most situations, but not everyone gets the opportunity to adjust course when a rideshare driver doesn’t give them any warning.

    Failing to Use Turn Signals

    The best way to avoid surprising fellow motorists, passengers, cyclists, and pedestrians when changing course or stopping is using turn signals and hazard lights to indicate what you intend to do. Too many Uber and Lyft drivers fail to take these simple precautions, and put others at risk as a result.


    Uber and Lyft drivers are forced to use their smartphones when operating, as the rideshare application gives them necessary information about passengers, pickup points and destinations. However, instances where drivers pay too much attention to their phones and not enough on the road can cause serious accidents.


    In an effort to maximize their time on the clock, rideshare drivers will typically try to get their fares from place to place as quickly as possible. However, when this results in the driver going over the applicable speed limit, the consequences can be severe. Not only are the chances of an accident higher when one driver is speeding, but the likelihood that the resulting injuries will be severe is greater as well.


    Another way that rideshare drivers attempt to cut down on their fare time is to drive aggressively through traffic. This sometimes results in tailgating, or driving up close to the bumper of the car immediately in front. Drivers are responsible for leaving enough of a gap to allow for a safe stop if traffic patterns change, so an Uber or Lyft driver who causes a rear-end collision because they were tailgating will likely be the one at fault for causing the accident.

    Drunk Driving

    Uber and Lyft services provide an alternative mode of transportation that helps cut down on the number of people that choose to get behind the wheel while drunk or under the influence of drugs. However, this benefit is negated when the rideshare driver themselves are operating under the influence, which happens more than you would like to believe.

    Suing for Uber and Lyft Accident Injuries in Syracuse

    When you get in an accident with a negligent Uber or Lyft driver, the best course of action that may be available is to sue the driver themselves, as opposed to the rideshare company. Rideshare drivers are classified under New York law as independent contractors, not employees. Therefore, the doctrine of vicarious liability, which is the legal tool that holds employers liable for their employees’ negligence, does not apply.

    Rideshare companies do, however, provide supplemental insurance coverage that kicks in whenever their drivers negligently cause injury to anyone else on the roadway. This includes passengers in the rideshare vehicle itself as well as drivers and passengers in other cars, cyclists, and pedestrians.

    When considering your legal options, you should bear in mind that New York is a no-fault car insurance state. This means that auto accident injury victims must pursue recovery from their own insurance provider, regardless of who was at fault, except in situations where the injuries sustained are “serious.” Passengers usually pursue compensation through their driver’s insurance under no-fault rules.

    New York uses the 90/180 rule as test for which injuries are considered “serious.” Essentially, the victim’s condition must substantially hinder their ability to function for at least 90 days of the 180 days immediately following the accident. Rochester courts are more likely to find that certain types of injuries qualify as serious, such as disfigurement, loss of limb or body function, miscarriage, and paralysis. These determinations are generally subjective, so it can be helpful to have a Syracuse Uber and Lyft accident attorney evaluate your condition so that you know what options are available to you.

    Statute of Limitations for Uber and Lyft Accident Lawsuits in Syracuse

    For personal injury suits stemming from accidents with rideshares like Uber and Lyft drivers, New York only allows filing within three years of the date of the accident. Syracuse courts treat the statute of limitations seriously, so if you miss the deadline, you may be left without a means of recovery. Call a Syracuse Uber and Lyft accident attorney as soon as possible after you have sought medical care to minimize the possibility that procedural rules bar your recovery.

    Talk to Our Syracuse Uber and Lyft Accident Lawyers About Your Case Today

    To get you free initial case evaluation, contact the Syracuse Uber and Lyft accident lawyers at The Carrion Law Firm today at (718) 841-0083.