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Riverhead, NY Bus Accident Lawyer

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    Considering how densely populated Long Island is and its proximity to a major metropolitan area like New York City, it should come as no surprise that transportation by bus is common. Unfortunately, this also means bus accidents are a bit more frequent, and people are sometimes badly hurt. If you are injured in a bus accident on Long Island, our legal team can help you get fair compensation.

    Recovering from a bus accident can be difficult, and many accident victims need time. Unfortunately, time is the one thing in short supply. You have only 3 years to file your claims in court, so it is best to meet with a lawyer as soon as possible. Your attorney can help you get started by determining who is to blame for the accident. Bus drivers, private bus companies, and even public entities might be involved in the case. Your damages might be substantial, especially if your injuries and other losses are severe. Medical bills, damaged property, physical pain, and psychological distress might all play a role in how compensation is awarded.

    Call The Carrion Law Firm at (631) 910-7493 and ask our bus accident lawyers for a confidential case evaluation for no charge.

    When You Can Take Legal Action for a Bus Accident in Riverhead, NY

    Bus accidents can be quite devastating. It is not unusual for victims to have painful, life-altering injuries that require extensive medical care. As such, many victims need time to recover before they take legal action. While taking the time you need is important for your recovery, you must be careful about how much time you take. Your time to file a civil case is limited. If you do not file on time, you might never be able to do so, and compensation might be forever out of reach.

    According to C.V.P. Law § 214, a bus accident victim has no longer than 3 years to file a personal injury claim related to the crash. The limitation period begins on the day of the accident, so the clock immediately starts ticking. It often takes plaintiffs and their lawyers months to prepare a case, sometimes longer. You might also need a few weeks or months to recover before you get started. While 3 years might sound like a long time at first, it will quickly become a very tight limitation period.

    The best thing to do is contact an attorney as soon as possible, even if you are still in the hospital. Your lawyer can get to work on the case while you focus on recovering.

    Who is to Blame for Bus Accidents in Riverhead, NY?

    Bus accidents are not just dangerous, but they are also complicated. It is not always easy to determine who is to blame for the accident. While it might be tempting to blame the bus driver and be done with it, there is often more to the story than a negligent bus driver. Our bus accident lawyers can work with investigating authorities to determine who caused the accident and how to bring them to justice.

    Bus Drivers

    While bus drivers are not always the only ones responsible for a bus accident, they should almost always be investigated. Bus driver negligence is an enormous problem that could cost someone their life under the right circumstances. For example, a bus driver who was texting while driving, intoxicated, or so poorly trained that they could not drive safely should be held responsible. Often, buses have cameras equipped inside and sometimes outside of the bus that can show us exactly what went wrong and whether the bus driver is to blame.

    Private Bus Companies

    When a bus driver is negligent and causes an accident, their employer might be on the hook for the accident, too. Under a legal principle known as respondeat superior, employers may be held vicariously liable for injuries caused by negligent employees if the employees were acting within the scope of their normal duties when the accident occurred. This generally includes bus accidents caused by driver negligence. Private bus companies, including charter bus companies or private bus lines like Greyhound, may be held responsible.

    Public or Governmental Entities

    Many buses are not private but are instead operated as part of public transportation. In Riverhead, public buses are run by Suffolk County Transit (SCT), which is a governmental entity. While a governmental entity may be held liable for accidents caused by negligent employees, suing them is complicated.

    According to G.M.U. Law § 50-e(a), if you want to sue a public entity like the SCT, you must first submit a notice of your claim to the public entity’s executive offices, or someone authorized to receive such notice. You have only 90 days from the date of the bus accident to submit your notice of your claim. If you do not submit your notice by this time, you might be unable to sue the public entity for damages.

    Recoverable Damages in a Riverhead, NY Bus Accident Case

    Your damages are the basis of financial compensation. The more serious your damages, the more compensation your claims may be worth. As such, it is crucial that we accurately assess and account for all your damages. Even small injuries and losses can quickly add up to something significant.

    Economic damages are rooted in actual monetary costs. Your medical bills, property damage, and lost income from being unable to go back to work should be included in your damages calculations. It is important to keep accurate records of your costs after your accident so your attorney can make sure you get all the compensation you deserve.

    Non-economic are often unrelated to money, but they may still deserve compensation. Your physical pain, emotional distress, mental turmoil, loss of enjoyment of your life, humiliation, and reduced quality of life should all be assessed.

    Contact Our Riverhead, NY Bus Accident Attorneys to Talk About Your Potential Civil Case

    Call The Carrion Law Firm at (631) 910-7493 and ask our bus accident lawyers for a confidential case evaluation for no charge.