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Denville, NJ Workplace Injury Lawyer

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    Receiving compensation for your injuries after a workplace accident is a complex process and often leaves victims confused about what to do after being injured. A workplace accident can be horrendous depending on the nature of the work. The injuries from a workplace accident might require extensive treatments and employers and general contractors do not always have the necessary insurance coverage for their employees. In certain cases, it could be necessary to file a workplace accident lawsuit to recover additional compensation that you would not be entitled to under Workers’ Compensation.

    That’s where our Denville workplace injury lawyers can help. There are several steps to recovering compensation after a workplace injury, including filing for Workers’ Compensation benefits. However, benefits provided by Workers’ Compensation might be far less than the cost of the damages from your workplace accident. Also, if your workplace injury was caused by the negligence of another person, you may have further emotional damages besides just your physical injuries. Our dedicated Denville workplace injury lawyers can help you decide if the facts of your workplace injury case demand a lawsuit be filed.

    If you were injured in a workplace accident, our Denville workplace injury lawyers can help you get the compensation you deserve. Call The Carrion Law Firm today at (718) 841-0083 for a free case review.

    Common Types of Injuries Caused by a Workplace Accident in Denville, NJ

    Workplace injuries can occur in countless ways, but some types of catastrophic injuries are more common than others. These kinds of injuries can require long-term treatment that is extremely costly. In some cases, your injuries could result in lifelong damage requiring a different level of compensation to help you adapt to the changes your life will undergo. The following is a list of the most common types of injuries that you could suffer in a workplace accident:

    • Broken bones
    • Illness caused by toxic exposure
    • Burn injuries
    • Brain injuries
    • Internal injuries
    • Soft tissue injuries

    Regardless of how you suffered your workplace injury, our Denville workplace injury lawyers can help you decide on the right legal strategy for your workplace injury claim.

    Limitations of Workers’ Compensation Claim Insurance in Denville, NJ

    When you are injured in a workplace accident, New Jersey Workers’ Compensation law requires that injured employees be compensated for their workplace-related injuries from their employer’s Workers’ Compensation insurance. All employers are required to carry Workers’ Compensation insurance. If you are injured at your workplace, Workers’ Compensation will provide benefits for only certain expenses, like medical expenses and lost wages. However, Workers’ Compensation is no-fault insurance, which prevents you from filing a lawsuit against your employer for your workplace injuries. There are exceptions, though.

    If your workplace injuries were caused by the negligence of another person or your employer, you can file a lawsuit. You may also file a lawsuit where an employer’s intentional wrong caused your workplace injuries. Filing a lawsuit could be beneficial because you could potentially recover compensation denied to you by Workers’ Compensation. This includes the non-economic costs of the pain and suffering associated with your injuries. These additional benefits could be vital to recovering from what might be a devasting workplace accident. Our Denville workplace injury lawyers can review the facts of your case to determine if a lawsuit is appropriate for you.

    Workplace Injury Lawsuits in Denville, NJ

    The major difference between workplace injury lawsuits and Workers’ Compensation claims is that a workplace accident victim must prove using evidence that their injuries were caused by the negligence of another person. In total, there are four components of a workplace injury negligence case that our Denville workplace injury lawyers can help you prove:

    • Duty
    • Breach of duty
    • Causation
    • Damages

    If you can prove the person that caused your workplace injuries owed you a duty of care and you suffered real damages as a result, you can recover compensation beyond the medical expenses and lost wages that Workers’ Compensation benefits provide. Non-economic damages, such as the emotional pain and suffering associated with your recovery or humiliation could be awarded if you prevail on your workplace injury claim. Our Denville workplace injury lawyers can help you obtain the important evidence you will need to prove that your workplace injuries were caused by the negligence of another person.

    Statute of Limitations to File Your Workplace Injury Lawsuit in Denville, NJ

    The N.J.S.A. § 2A:14-2 establishes the time limit to file your workplace injury lawsuit. In Denville, a person injured in a workplace accident will have two years from the date the accident happened to file a workplace accident lawsuit. Importantly, your workplace injury lawsuit will be dismissed by the judge if you do not file your claim within this two-year timeframe.

    You should contact our Denville workplace injury lawyers immediately if you have been injured in a workplace accident. The surveillance footage that most workplaces have can provide valuable evidence to prove your case but could be gone before an attorney has a chance to request it. Witnesses to the workplace accident might move away or forget enough of the incident that they cannot help your case. Our Denville workplace injury lawyers can help you obtain important evidence early and get your workplace injury case off to the right start.

    When the Employer Does Not Carry Workers’ Compensation Insurance in Denville, NJ

    Carrying Workers’ Compensation insurance is not a choice. New Jersey requires all employers to provide their employees with Workers’ Compensation insurance for injuries that occur on the job. If your employer fails to provide Workers’ Compensation insurance, you could be left dealing with the costs of your workplace injury alone. Our Denville workplace injury lawyers can help you hold your employer responsible for failing to provide you with the coverage you are entitled to.

    Our Denville, NJ Workplace Injury Lawyers Can Help

    If you were injured in a workplace accident, our Denville workplace injury lawyers can help you manage the many challenges of recovering compensation. Contact The Carrion Law Firm at (718) 841-0083 for a free case assessment.