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Flatbush Construction Accident and Injury Lawyer

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    The path to compensation after a construction accident can vary. Some injured workers will have to pursue benefits through Workers’ Compensation. However, in certain cases, construction accident lawsuits may be brought against at-fault parties.

    Plaintiffs in construction accident lawsuits can recover categories of monetary damages that are not available to insurance claimants. However, plaintiffs must demonstrate that their construction accidents occurred because of defendants’ negligence. The assistance of our attorneys can be highly valuable to injured workers when building their cases.

    If you suffered a construction accident in Flatbush, get help seeking the financial compensation you deserve. Contact our experienced Flatbush construction accident and injury lawyers by calling The Carrion Law Firm at (718) 841-0083. Our attorneys can provide a free case assessment.

    Who Can File a Construction Accident Lawsuit in Flatbush?

    The path to compensation after a construction accident can vary. In some cases, parties can be sued for accidents they cause. However, injured workers may only file construction accident lawsuits under certain conditions. The following parties may be eligible to file such cases:

    Workers Injured Because of Third-Party Negligence

    Workers injured because of third-party negligence may be able to seek compensation through construction accident lawsuits. There are several forms of third-party negligence that can lead to such accidents. For instance, a worker may suffer a harmful slip and fall because of a dangerous hazard created by another worker on site. Further, a devastating accident may occur because of poorly manufactured safety equipment.

    If you were hurt because of a construction accident caused by third-party negligence, you should get in touch with our attorneys right away. Our Flatbush construction accident and injury lawyers can help evaluate the strength of your case and determine the appropriate steps toward compensation.

    Workers Injured Because of Their Employers’ Negligence

    Workers injured because of their employers’ negligence may also file construction accident lawsuits seeking payment for the harm they incurred. According to L.A.B. Law § 200, § 241(6), § 240(1), you may file a construction accident lawsuit if you were injured as a result of your employer’s negligence and one of the following occurred:

    • You suffered a fall because of an unsecured opening
    • You were hurt as a result of a fall from a scaffold, ladder, or other tall height
    • You were hit by a falling item
    • You suffered an accident caused by third-party negligence
    • There was a violation of New York’s industrial regulations

    If you were hurt because of a construction accident caused by your boss’s negligent conduct, you should reach out to our Flatbush construction accident and injury lawyers for guidance and support.

    Time Limit to File a Construction Accident Lawsuit in Flatbush

    The time limit to file a construction accident lawsuit in Flatbush is set forth by C.V.P. Law § 214. Generally, you will have three years from the date of a construction accident to file your case against the at-fault party. Noncompliance with this deadline could cause you to miss out on important compensation. Accordingly, you should contact our Flatbush construction accident and injury lawyers as soon as possible after suffering an accident. Our experienced attorneys can help file your case on time.

    Furthermore, crucial evidence required to support your lawsuit may become difficult to collect and preserve as time goes on. For example, eyewitnesses can forget details surrounding your accident and physical evidence can begin to deteriorate. The sooner you get in touch with our lawyers, the more easily we can gather the information needed to recover compensation in your case.

    Common Causes of Construction Accidents in Flatbush

    There are many forms of negligent conduct that can lead to accidents on construction sites. The type of accident you suffered can influence the path to compensation in your case. The following are common causes of construction accidents in Flatbush:

    Negligent Vehicle Operation

    Negligent vehicle operation is a common cause of construction accidents. When operators of large vehicles like excavators, backhoes, cranes, and bulldozers act carelessly, devastating accidents can occur. Our Flatbush construction accident and injury lawyers can help victims of such accidents seek payment for their injuries.

    Defective Products

    Many harmful construction accidents occur because of defective products. For example, a carpenter may suffer a puncture wound because of a defective nail gun. Furthermore, a welder may sustain a painful burn injury because of defective safety equipment. In any case, manufacturers can be held accountable for construction accidents caused by their defective products.

    However, pursuing a case against a faulty product’s manufacturer can be a frustrating process. Large amounts of complicated evidence are usually required to support such a claim. Accordingly, the assistance of our attorneys can be highly valuable when seeking compensation related to a construction accident caused by a defective product.

    Poor Equipment Maintenance

    Many construction accidents also occur because of poor equipment maintenance. For instance, a worker may suffer a harmful fall because of a poorly maintained ladder. Furthermore, a worker may sustain a laceration because of a saw that was not properly cared for. In such cases, victims may be entitled to monetary damages for the harm they incurred. Our Flatbush construction accident and injury lawyers can help pursue payment for injuries caused by poor equipment maintenance.

    Exposure to Toxic Substances

    Furthermore, many construction workers are injured because of exposure to toxic substances. In serious cases, workers who are exposed to toxic substances can develop respiratory issues and neurological damage. If you were injured because of exposure to toxic substances on a construction site, you should contact our attorneys right away. There are several forms of evidence that may be used to prove fault for such accidents. Our team can help build your case and fight for the full range of compensation available to you.

    If You Suffered a Construction Accident in Flatbush, Our Attorneys Can Help

    If you were injured because of a construction accident, seek guidance and support from our experienced Flatbush construction accident and injury lawyers by calling The Carrion Law Firm at (718) 841-0083 to review your case for free.