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Buffalo Motorcycle Accident Lawyer

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    Many residents of Buffalo choose to ride for pleasure, nostalgia, or even just to get around. While motorcycles certainly present dangers to riders, that should never bar you from recovering compensation to deal with the consequences if some other person or entity’s negligence causes an accident.

    Motorcyclists are particularly susceptible to accidents involving blind spots, sudden stops, car doors opening into traffic, manufacturing defects, poorly maintained infrastructure, and drunk driving. In these cases and others, if you can show that the at-fault party’s negligent or reckless conduct caused your accident and the resulting injuries, you can recover compensation, so long as you file your claim before the statute of limitations expires.

    To discuss your case and what you stand to recover through legal action, call the seasoned Buffalo motorcycle accident attorneys at The Carrion Law Firm today. You can obtain a free first-time case assessment just by calling our offices at (718) 841-0083.

    Causes of Motorcycle Accidents in Buffalo

    Accidents can happen in a variety of ways out on the roads. However, there are a number of situations that particularly impact motorcyclists and could lead to severe harm. Our Buffalo motorcycle accident lawyers have provided summaries of a few of these situations below.

    Blind Spots

    Drivers who are operating on multi-lane roads and highways are responsible for identifying where vehicles might be that might not be visible in their rearview mirrors. This is a serious problem that plagues motorcyclists in particular, who take up much less space and therefore are often harder to spot.

    Sudden Stops

    Motorcyclists cannot come to a complete stop in the same fashion as an ordinary car. This makes it so important that drivers always indicate when they intend to stop or turn through use of their turn signals and hazards. Riders are also much more susceptible to the consequences of a rear-end collision than a driver or passenger in a car.


    Motorcycle manufacturers are responsible for putting a product on the road that functions as intended. Since motorcycles do not have the safety features of a traditional personal vehicle, such as seat belts and air bags, it is that much more important that the rest of the vehicle functions correctly. Otherwise, the manufacturer incurs liability for the consequences. It is difficult to identify manufacturing defects without the seasoned eye of a Buffalo motorcycle accident lawyer.

    Opening Car Doors

    People in stopped cars often think they are beyond the point where they must pay attention to the road. However, this is far from the case. If a driver or passenger on the road-facing side of the vehicle opens their door into oncoming traffic, the bodily harm and property damages that may result could be substantial, particularly if the door opens into the path of a motorcycle.

    Potholes and Other Road Issues

    Any deviation or divot in the surface of the road can cause serious issues for motorcyclists. While car tires have more surface area and stability, motorcycles can struggle to handle potholes and other issues with the driving surface. In these cases, the injured rider may have grounds for a lawsuit against the government entity responsible for maintaining the infrastructure that caused the accident.

    Drunk Drivers

    Motorcyclists are more susceptible to serious injuries when erratic driving causes an accident, and no drivers are more erratic than those who are inebriated behind the wheel. If you were injured by a driver that was under the influence of drugs or alcohol at the time of the accident, you almost assuredly can file and win a lawsuit against them for your compensable harms, as well as potential punitive damages.

    Filing a Buffalo Motorcycle Accident Injury Lawsuit

    If you were recently involved in a motorcycle accident that was caused by some other person or entity, you may have the right to pursue compensation through a lawsuit.

    How New York’s No-Fault Rules Do Not Apply for Motorcycle Accidents

    For most car accidents, New York is a no-fault car insurance state. This means that most accident injury victims typically must go through their own insurance to recover compensation, and may do so regardless of whether another driver or other party was at fault. However, motorcycles are not covered by New York’s no-fault system, meaning that you cannot just go to your insurer and recover the monetary relief that you need for your injuries.

    In fact, a lawsuit may be your only means of obtaining compensation if someone else was at fault for causing you to crash while riding your motorcycle. This comes as a surprise to many riders in Buffalo, who may find themselves needing the services of a Buffalo motorcycle accident lawyer to get the compensation that they need to recover comfortably.

    Elements of Negligence

    All drivers owe a duty of care to others with whom they share the road. To meet this duty and avoid liability, drivers must behave reasonably behind the wheel and abide by the various traffic codes and regulations that apply in the areas where they operate. If a driver’s failure to meet their duty resulted in the accident, and that accident caused you compensable bodily injury, you have the ability to file a lawsuit. To prove these essential elements, your Buffalo motorcycle accident lawyer will look to introduce physical evidence as well as expert testimony about how the accident occurred, your resulting injuries, and how they have and will continue to affect you.

    Timely Filing

    If you have grounds for a motorcycle accident injury lawsuit in Buffalo, you must adhere to the New York statute of limitations. The statute of limitations for motor vehicle accident injury cases only provides three years from the date of the accident within which you much file your complaint in court.

    Call Your Buffalo Motorcycle Accident Lawyer for Free Today

    To get a free first-time case assessment from a Buffalo motorcycle accident attorney, call The Carrion Law Firm today at (718) 841-0083.