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Bayside Amazon Delivery Vehicle Accident Lawyer

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    Vehicle accidents are traumatizing for many reasons, leaving victims with painful and life-altering injuries that warrant compensation from negligent parties.

    In the aftermath of Amazon delivery vehicle accidents, victims should learn who may be liable for their injuries in addition to the individual driver. For example, if an Amazon delivery service partner employed the driver, that company might be vicariously liable, not Amazon. Victims must also learn about the serious injury threshold, which limits who can file lawsuits after accidents, only letting those with severe injuries recover non-economic damages. After getting your medical records, we can compare your diagnosis to the statute and promptly file your claim to hasten your financial recovery. Compensation may come from out-of-court settlements or by proving liability in court, and our lawyers can guide you through the recovery process so that you get the damages you need to heal.

    Call our Queens Amazon delivery vehicle accident lawyers at The Carrion Law Firm today at (718) 841-0083 for a free and confidential case review.

    Handling the Aftermath of an Amazon Delivery Vehicle Accident in Bayside

    Proceed as you would after any auto accident by calling 911 and getting the negligent driver’s information. Our lawyers can then investigate vicarious liability to see if the driver’s employer is liable, though independent contractor status could limit defendants in your claim to the individual driver.

    Amazon contracts delivery services out to local delivery companies, and the employees of these companies operate most of the Amazon-branded delivery trucks you see on the road. So, when discussing vicarious liability for accidents, the contracted delivery service partner might share financial responsibility, not Amazon, since the delivery service partner is the driver’s employer.

    Amazon also hires independent contractors to deliver packages using their own vehicles. When such drivers cause accidents, it could be that no employer is vicariously liable, and the only responsible party is the individual driver who hit you.

    In the accident’s immediate aftermath, victims can intentionally preserve physical evidence at risk of getting lost or destroyed, like broken car parts or tire marks on the pavement. Do your best to photograph the scene, and do not hesitate to ask first responders for help documenting the area. Officers can also help victims deal with stubborn drivers, collecting the necessary insurance and personal information to include in their crash reports. Victims should involve law enforcement in all car accidents in case they notice underlying injuries in the following days.

    Injuries that Qualify You to Sue After an Amazon Delivery Vehicle Accident in Bayside

    New York imposed a no-fault system to limit the number of lawsuits from car accidents. Drivers rely on their personal injury protection insurance to get some compensation for accidents unless their injuries are especially serious, in which case they may file lawsuits for compensatory damages, including non-economic damages.

    New York defines a “serious” injury as one that causes death, dismemberment, significant disfigurement, loss of a fetus, or a fracture, according to I.S.C. Law § 5102(d). The permanent loss of use, permanent consequential limitation of use, or significant limitation of use of certain body organs, functions, members, or systems also meets the serious injury threshold. As do non-permanent injuries that prevent victims from engaging in material acts for at least 90 of the first 180 days following an accident. These rules apply to most vehicle accidents, including those involving Amazon delivery trucks in Bayside, and to most victims, including drivers, passengers, bicyclists, and pedestrians.

    Medical evidence is required to show that you pass the serious injury threshold, so seeking urgent care after an accident is paramount. Our Amazon delivery vehicle accident lawyers can present hospital records confirming your injuries, diagnoses, and the cost of treatment so that there is no question about the severity of your physical injuries and that you meet the criteria to file a motor vehicle accident lawsuit in New York.

    What to Know About Compensation in Amazon Delivery Vehicle Accident Lawsuits in Bayside

    To get the most compensation available in their claims, victims must appreciate their total losses, including financial and intangible damages, and how to recover them, such as through a settlement or by proving liability during a trial.

    Available Compensatory Damages

    Economic and non-economic damages are compensable in auto accident lawsuits, so considering the emotional and financial consequences of negligence is important. By appreciating all damages, our lawyers can estimate your deserved and likely recovery. Economic damages should cover any monetary losses related to an accident, including medical bills, property damage, and missed income. The damages available in your case will depend on your specific losses, which is why monitoring damages from the get-go is crucial. New York does not impose limits on economic or non-economic damages for car accident victims who file lawsuits, which may bode well for plaintiffs.

    How Victims Get Compensatory Damages

    Victims may get compensatory damages from settlements or jury awards. Settling claims is common, though victims must be careful not to accept lowball offers, and our attorneys can evaluate all proposals to assess their fairness. You can anticipate these discussions taking some time, particularly if you prefer to avoid a trial. That said, letting a defendant extend settlement negotiations could result in plaintiffs making decisions and accepting settlements out of a desperate need for compensation, and we can help you prevent this from happening in your case. Preparing claims for the possibility of a trial is important so that our lawyers are ready to change directions and prove liability in court if need be.

    Victims may get compensation in the form of lump sum or structured payments, whether they settle their claims or win at trials, and this may depend on the defendant’s financial ability.

    Call Our Attorneys in Bayside for Help After Your Accident

    Call (718) 841-0083 for help with your case from The Carrion Law Firm’s Amazon delivery vehicle accident lawyers.