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Albany Slip and Fall Lawyer

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    If you were recently injured in a slip and fall accident, consult an Albany attorney right away. As a slip and fall accident victim you likely require compensation for your injuries, so having a skilled lawyer in your corner is essential.

    Immediately after a slip and fall accident in Albany, hire an attorney. An experienced lawyer can help you understand whether another person’s negligence caused your injuries and advise you to move forward with a lawsuit. Using security camera footage, photographs, medical records, eyewitness statements, and other evidence, an Albany attorney can prove that a defendant’s negligence caused your injuries. Once successful, Albany slip and fall accident victims can recover substantial economic and non-economic damages in a lawsuit for compensation.

    Our attorneys are dedicated to helping slip and fall accident victims throughout Albany hold negligent parties accountable. For a free and confidential case evaluation with the Albany slip and fall lawyers at The Carrion Law Firm, call today at (718) 841-0083.

    When to Hire a Slip and Fall Lawyer in Albany

    Slip and fall accidents can be dangerous, resulting in serious injuries to Albany victims. Unfortunately, sometimes victims may have difficulty identifying when another person’s negligence causes their injuries. If you are unsure whether or not a recent accident warrants litigation, reach out to an Albany slip and fall lawyer right away.

    If you recently sustained injuries outside your home, whether at a restaurant, a neighbor’s home, or a store, speak to an attorney. A seemingly harmless or innocuous obstruction might actually be a hazard allowed or caused by a negligent party.

    For example, suppose you were walking down a stairwell in your apartment building. Landlords are responsible for maintaining common areas, like stairwells. If a loose handrail caused you to trip and fall, sustaining injuries, the accident is not your fault. Instead, it is the fault of the landlord responsible for maintaining that handrail. Situations like this, where victims might not immediately see the connection between their injuries and another party’s negligence, can make it difficult for Albany victims to get compensation after an accident.

    Hiring an Albany slip and fall lawyer immediately after an accident is important. Not only can your attorney help you determine liability, but they can also help you properly report and document your injuries. An experienced attorney can help Albany victims inform the police or negligent parties of an accident and get the necessary medical care.

    In New York, slip and fall accident victims have just three years to file a lawsuit against a negligent party. Hiring an attorney immediately after an incident can give victims the best chance of recovering the compensatory damages they deserve.

    Proving Fault in an Albany Slip and Fall Accident Lawsuit

    Litigating slip and fall accident lawsuits can be challenging in Albany. When your access to compensatory damages is on the line, it is important to enlist help from an experienced attorney you can rely on. Our skilled Albany slip and fall lawyers can work hard to prove a negligent party’s fault in a compensation claim.

    In Albany, victims must prove that it is more likely than not that a defendant caused their injuries to recover compensation. While the burden of proof for slip and fall lawsuits might appear low to victims, meeting it requires skill and dedication. That is why it is important for Albany victims to hire a skilled lawyer capable of thoroughly investigating an accident.

    If an accident happened within a store or restaurant, it might have occurred in view of security cameras. A slip and fall accident on a neighbor’s sidewalk or driveway might also have occurred in view of private security cameras or doorbell cameras. If so, your attorney can access such footage to help prove fault. Your lawyer can also use photographs taken at the accident scene, eyewitness statements, and security camera footage to prove a defendant’s fault in an Albany slip and fall accident lawsuit.

    Compensation for Slip and Fall Accident Victims in Albany

    Hire an attorney if you recently sustained injuries in a slip and fall accident in Albany due to another party’s negligence. An experienced lawyer can help Albany victims recover economic and non-economic damages against a defendant in a slip and fall lawsuit.

    Slip and fall accidents are often dangerous, which is why victims generally require substantial compensatory damages. The following are just some of the common slip and fall injuries that often require compensation in Albany:

    • Broken bones
    • Facial injuries
    • Neck injuries
    • Soft tissue injuries
    • Spinal cord injuries
    • Traumatic brain injuries

    Because many slip and fall injuries often result in expensive medical care and detrimental lost wages, Albany victims can recover compensation for financial losses in a lawsuit. Economic damages can compensate victims for medical bills, lost wages, and other out-of-pocket expenses.

    Serious injuries often come with non-financial losses as well. Victims might experience emotional difficulties after a slip and fall accident. Those unable to work after an accident might feel understandably depressed or anxious. Severe accidents can negatively impact victims’ lives in numerous ways, including emotionally. That is why victims can also recover non-economic damages in Albany slip and fall accident lawsuits.

    Fortunately for Albany victims, New York does not impose caps on economic or non-economic damages. That means victims can recover total compensation for all financial losses. Non-economic damages are more subjective, largely based on a victim’s pain and suffering. Neither type of compensation is guaranteed, so victims should hire an experienced attorney. When it is your access to compensation at risk, turn to a skilled Albany slip and fall lawyer you can trust.

    Call Our Albany Lawyers After a Slip and Fall Accident

    If you were recently injured in a slip and fall accident, our attorneys can help. For a free case evaluation with the Albany slip and fall lawyers at The Carrion Law Firm, call today at (718) 841-0083.