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Albany Motorcycle Accident Lawyer

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    Motorcycle riders frequently suffer serious injuries in accidents because they lack the same protections of those driving standard cars. Bikers are often left to absorb the full force of a crash, contacting another vehicle and then suffering a second impact with the asphalt.

    Negligent motorists can be held liable for motorcycle accidents in Albany. However, the process for recovering damages in a motorcycle accident lawsuit can be long and complicated. A motorcycle accident lawyer can provide aid to victims when filing lawsuits against other drivers.

    If you suffered injuries because of a motorcycle accident, get help recovering the compensation available to you. Contact our experienced Albany motorcycle accident lawyers by calling The Carrion Law Firm at (718) 841-0083 for a free case review.

    Common Locations of Motorcycle Accidents in Albany

    Riders can suffer motorcycle accidents whether they are on a crowded highway, quiet street, or busy parking lot. Still, motorcycle accidents occur in some locations more frequently than others. Our Albany motorcycle accident lawyers can offer assistance to victims after crashes in any of the following locations:


    Intersections are one of the most common locations of motorcycle accidents. Intersections are points where to roads meet. The convergence of traffic can lead to several to serious motorcycle accidents. The following are examples of ways that motorcycle crashes can happen at intersections:

    • A driver makes a left turn without noticing an oncoming motorcycle rider that has the right of way.
    • A driver sideswipes a biker who is turning at the same time.
    • A driver causes a rear-end collision by tailgating a rider or by braking abruptly.

    Victims can contact our team to discuss the legal options available to them after suffering a motorcycle crash at an intersection.

    Two-Lane Roads

    Two lane roads refer to roads with one lane of traffic traveling in either direction. Such roads are another common location of motorcycle accidents. Often times, a careless driver of another car will begin to veer into another lane, causing an impact with a motorcycle rider. Motorcycle crashes are especially common on two-lane roads with slim shoulder areas.

    Accidents that occur on two lane roads often involve head-on collisions. This type of collisions is often responsible for catastrophic injuries. Our experienced Albany motorcycle accident lawyers can help victims recover the multitude of damages related to collisions that occur on two-lane roads.

    Rural Highways

    Rural highways, despite seeing less traffic than busy highways, are also a common locations of motorcycle accidents. Rural highways often have less clear lighting and more obstructions to visibility than other roads. This means that many careless drivers do not notice bikers on rural roadways.

    Furthermore, many drivers travelling on rural highways are travelling at high speeds. Accordingly, many motorcycle accidents that occur on rural highways produce life-altering injuries.

    Parking Lots

    Additionally, parking lots are a common location of motorcycle accidents in Albany. Some may not think that serious injuries occur in parking lots because many of the vehicles are stopped or traveling at slow speeds. However, serious injuries can occur in parking lost because of careless or reckless drivers. The prevalence of many pedestrians and cars in close proximity lead to many motorcycle accidents in parking lots.

    Major Highways

    Major highways are another common location of motorcycle accidents. The following are common ways that accidents occur on major highways:

    • Debris such as loose cargo, trash, and lost tires is left on the road
    • Drivers improperly merge or change lanes
    • Drivers travel at excessive speeds during poor weather conditions or through poor road conditions

    There are many other causes of motorcycle accidents on major highways. No matter the cause of your accident, our Albany motorcycle lawyers can help fight for the compensation you deserve.

    Urban Areas

    Lastly, urban areas are also a common location of motorcycle accidents in Albany. Pedestrians on busy city streets are prone to jaywalking in front of bikers. Furthermore, urban areas are also home to streets with high traffic congestion. During periods of high traffic, motorists are prone to driving erratically. Therefore, many motorcycle accidents occur in Urban areas because of careless pedestrians and reckless drivers.

    Elements of an Albany Motorcycle Accident Lawsuit

    When bringing claims against other, careless drivers, there are four elements plaintiffs must satisfy in order for their claim to succeed. All four of the following elements must be established in an Albany motorcycle accident lawsuit:

    1. The other driver had a duty of care to act in a certain manner under specific circumstances.
    2. The other driver breached their duty of care.
    3. You suffered injuries because of that breach of duty.
    4. You suffered damages because of your injuries

    A copious amount of evidence may be required to prove each of these elements. Our Albany motorcycle accident lawyers can help collect the extensive amount of evidence necessary to prove your claim.

    Settling a Motorcycle Accident Lawsuit vs. Taking a Motorcycle Accident Lawsuit to Trial in Albany

    When pursuing damages in a motorcycle accident lawsuit, you will likely face the difficult decision of settling your case or taking it to trial. Settlement agreements are a type of legal contract that allows for a case to be voluntarily dismissed after the defendant pays and agreed-upon sum to the plaintiff. Such agreements allow both parties to save on the expensive costs of bringing a case to trial.

    However, defendants and their insurance companies do not always make reasonable settlement offer. Defense lawyers will employ various tactics to entice a low settlement agreement. By taking their case to trial, plaintiffs will have the opportunity to collect additional damages. Our experienced Albany motorcycle accident lawyers can help victims assess the true value of their case. Therefore, plaintiffs can decide if going to trial is the right decision for them.

    If You Were Injured in a Motorcycle Accident in Albany, Our Lawyers Can Help

    If you suffered injuries because of a motorcycle accident, seek assistance from our experienced Albany motorcycle accident lawyers by calling The Carrion Law Firm at (718) 841-0083 for a free case review.